Enron Mail

To:john.lavorato@enron.com, kevin.presto@enron.com, kristin.albrecht@enron.com,tim.belden@enron.com
Subject:Re: Power Port Calc Issues
Cc:david.delainey@enron.com, randy.matson@enron.com, sally.beck@enron.com,zhiyong.wei@enron.com, philippe.bibi@enron.com
Bcc:david.delainey@enron.com, randy.matson@enron.com, sally.beck@enron.com,zhiyong.wei@enron.com, philippe.bibi@enron.com
Date:Fri, 7 Jul 2000 01:29:00 -0700 (PDT)


As of Wednesday, we have a resource from Sun Microsystems that is helping us
isolate the problems we're having with the UNIX operating system and our
code. This resource has requested that we bring on an additional application
specialist from SUN. This has been authorized and the additional resource is
scheduled to be on site next week. I also have my resources and the UNIX
administrators working along side the Sun resources.

As an aside, we are also experiencing performance problems with the gas side
of the business. I met with Sally Beck's controllers yesterday and we are
putting a plan in place. The increased trading volumes have seriously
impacted our through put and we now have a 'blitz' on to correct the issues.

These problems have not gone unnoticed. I assure you that IT has been very
diligent in following through on these problems. We're investing heavily in
additional hardware, bringing in contractors and hiring additional resources
at an average of 5 - 8 per week. I will keep you posted as we continue to
enhance our existing systems.


John J Lavorato@ENRON
07/06/2000 07:46 PM

To: Beth Perlman/HOU/ECT@ECT, David W Delainey/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Power Port Calc Issues


Please respond with a plan to solve these problems.

Thanks John
---------------------- Forwarded by John J Lavorato/Corp/Enron on 07/06/2000
07:42 PM ---------------------------

From: Kevin M Presto @ ECT 07/05/2000 07:39 PM

To: John Lavorato
cc: David W Delainey/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kristin Albrecht/HOU/ECT@ECT, Beth

Subject: Power Port Calc Issues

This Enpower calc issue is a joke. How can we be the most Innovative
Company in the world and cannot fix a risk book calculation problem.
Furthermore, how can we effectively grow our volumes and complexity of our
power transactions when our back office (risk books, position management,
settlements) is so unreliable from an IT standpoint.

In addition, we will start losing all of our key people in this area because
they are here until 8:30-9:00 every night and 4:00 pm on "holidays". This
whole issue is a significant business risk for Enron and needs to be dealt
with accordingly.

Please advise. Thank you.
---------------------- Forwarded by Kevin M Presto/HOU/ECT on 07/05/2000
07:27 PM ---------------------------

Enron North America Corp.

From: Kristin Albrecht 07/05/2000 11:30 AM

To: Beth Perlman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Randy Matson/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Jarod
Jenson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Christine Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Zhiyong Wei/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Ravi Ramachandran/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stacey W White/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jenny
Latham/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jenny Rub/GPGFIN/Enron@Enron
cc: Sally Beck/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kevin M Presto/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tim
Subject: Power Port Calc Issues

The Power risk group continues to experience severe instability with the
power port calc. The same memory allocation issue which I discussed in the
message below is not resolved (we have had this problem for about four months
now). Due to business reasons, we calculated the east power books on Monday
(Enron holiday). We received all of the required data to calc by 9:30 AM and
should have been completely done by 11:30. However, the calc crashed six
times and finally completed on the seventh try. We were able to leave by
4:00. The point I am trying to make is that I feel that we are at such a
state that there is risk that we could not provide positions to the traders
by the start of the next business day. This could have a financial impact on
our company. Once again, I am urgently and desperately asking for resolution
of this problem.
Furthermore, it came to my attention on Friday that EES is now using EnPower
and the power port calc and they too are using the same server that we are.
I question this decision since we cannot seem to support the existing
business that is using that server. Per discussion with Kevin Presto, the
agreement made regarding EES's use of EnPower was there would be no expense
or degradation to ENA's business process. I think they need to move to
another server.
Please call to discuss when this will be resolved. Thank You.
Kristin Albrecht

---------------------- Forwarded by Kristin Albrecht/HOU/ECT on 07/05/2000
09:35 AM ---------------------------

Enron North America Corp.

From: Kristin Albrecht 05/15/2000 09:48 AM

To: Beth Perlman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Randy Matson/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Jarod
Jenson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Christine Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Zhiyong Wei/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Ravi Ramachandran/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stacey W White/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jenny
Subject: athena vs quark

With regards to the message below, we must have athena (server) to run our
nightly risk books for the power group. We run one of our three east power
calcs on this machine (the second largest one). Since an acceptable solution
for the big power calc has not been provided to us, athena CANNOT be taken
away from us. The east power calc crashed 3 out of 5 days last week. We
usually start calcing at about 4:00. The calc time is now running at 1.5
hours and we have about 1.5 hours' worth of work after the calc's successful
completion. So you do the math on what time my group leaves the building
when the calc crashes at 4:30.
Furthermore, the West power calc has crashed 3 out of 5 nights weekly for the
last 3 weeks. This is not acceptable.
We are about to enter the busiest and most volatile time of the year and our
system is not stable. I feel like we have been very patient at the expense
of many late nights. I am going to speak to Kevin Presto and Tim Belden
today about these problems.
I think we need to meet immediately about this problem and I am exhausted
with the finger pointing between different IT groups.
Kristin Albrecht
---------------------- Forwarded by Kristin Albrecht/HOU/ECT on 05/15/2000
09:27 AM ---------------------------

Christine Nguyen
05/12/2000 01:01 PM
To: Ravi Ramachandran/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Randy Matson/Corp/Enron@ENRON
Subject: athena vs quark

Please advise your users that athena will be completely unavailable
Wednesday17May2000. The production server is quark (12gb RAMx18procs).
quark is configured to our standard for your use.