Enron Mail

To:a..price@enron.com, m.hall@enron.com, beth.apollo@enron.com,kevin.sweeney@enron.com, barry.pearce@enron.com, todd.hall@enron.com, mike.jordan@enron.com
Subject:FW: ENN - New Issue
Date:Sun, 28 Oct 2001 13:58:33 -0800 (PST)

In case you missed this, just wanted you to see that this Enron Net Works publication that to date has focused only on the IT organization has now been broadened in scope. The hot link to the site should work, and if you click on Features and then Energy Operations you will see the article referred to below. The editor has spoken to a couple of you also. Her plan is to get with each one of you and to run a series of articles about Operations. --Sally

-----Original Message-----
From: Enron Announcements/Corp/Enron@ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-Enron+20Announcements_Corp_Enron+40ENRON@ENRON.com] On Behalf Of Enron Net Works News@ENRON
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2001 12:00 AM
Subject: ENN - New Issue

Have you seen the latest edition of Enron Net Works News? See what our new Chief Operating Officer has to say about Energy Operations, help us welcome the new Vice President of ENW HR, find out why MKM is the name for the information game, and take a peak at CRM Enron style. All this and more at enn.enron.com (http://enn.enron.com).

Meeting content for the October 5th ENW All-Employee meeting will be posted on ENN within a few days after the meeting. You will receive a follow-up message concerning online access to the content of the meeting.

NOTE: In the event that you are unable to execute the above link, please copy the link to the address line of your installed browser.