Enron Mail

Subject:American Express Status - Update
Date:Thu, 13 Dec 2001 13:42:00 -0800 (PST)

As you are aware, the Corporate American Express credit cards have been cancelled, effective December 4, 2001. We are working with American Express to establish new contracts for ETS employees. This will allow for reinstatement of service and a requirement for issuance of new cards. We are expecting an answer from American Express on December 14, 2001.

Until advised, please limit travel and entertainment expenses. If you are required to travel on business, you will need to use your personal credit cards or cash and submit your expenses through the XMS expense account system at: https://expensexms.enron.com/ewp/ . If the use of a personal credit card to cover your travel needs is not an option, cash advances can be approved by your immediate supervisor, and processed through your local administrative team. In Houston, all cash advance requests, after obtaining proper approval, should be routed to Carolyn Centilli for processing.

We will continue to update you of program changes as we continue to work with American Express. If you have questions, please call Mary Ann Johnson - 713-345-5278 or Bruce Martin - 713-345-6527.

Morris A. Brassfield
Senior Director
Enron Transportation Services

Work: (713) 646-7006
Cell: (713) 503-1409
Pager: (877) 701-9516