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Subject:Enerfax Gas, Oil, Liquids,Derivatives' prices & info (text) Crude
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Enerfax GOLD
Friday, December 28 2001 No. 452
Visit our website at: http://www.enerfaxgold.com/,

| Bonny Light | $19.95
| Brent | $19.77
| Butane | $ 0.38
| Fuel Oil #2 | $ 0.58
| Louisiana | $21.16
| Medit. | $19.40
| Propane Non-tet | $ 0.33
| Propane Wet-tet | $ 0.33
| W. Tx Int Cush | $20.90
| W. Tx Sour | $19.30

| Euro in US equiv | 0.8830
Todays Petro Bulletins
* Sinopec Group's 2001 Profits Down by a Third
* Ultramar Diamond Shamrock Says Fluid Catalytic Cracker at Oil
Refinery Near
San Francisco Up and Running Again After Delayed Restart
* Spending Cuts Combined with Last Year's Record Profits Give Most
Oil Companies Enough Cushion to Weather Low Price-Demand Scenario
Expected for 1st Half of 2002
* Occidental Petroleum to Idle Texas Chemical Plant Because of
Market Conditions
* John S Herold CEO Says Upcoming Earnings Releases May Hold Nasty
Surprises; Possibility of Massive Year-End Oil Industry Financial
* Kaneb Announces 800,000-Barrel Terminal Acquisition in Portland,
Oregon from ExxonMobil
* Former President of Congo Republic on Trial in Absentia Charged
with Treason for Allegedly Cheating Nation Out of Millions of Dollars
in Oil Revenues
NYMEX - NY Harbor Heating Oil
Month High Low Last Change
JAN 02 0.5880 0.5765 0.5815 -0.0131
FEB 02 0.5900 0.5800 0.5856 -0.0112
MAR 02 0.5870 0.5780 0.5821 -0.0092
APR 02 0.5795 0.5740 0.5756 -0.0082
MAY 02 0.5740 0.5670 0.5691 -0.0067
JUN 02 0.5745 0.5690 0.5701 -0.0062
JUL 02 0.5790 0.5725 0.5751 -0.0062
AUG 02 0.5870 0.5800 0.5816 -0.0062
SEP 02 0.5945 0.5870 0.5896 -0.0062
OCT 02 0.6025 0.5950 0.5981 -0.0062
NYMEX Crude Oil Futures ($ / Barrel)
Month Open High Low Last Change
FEB 02 20.65 21.00 20.33 20.90 -0.37
MAR 02 20.85 21.20 20.85 21.14 -0.31
APR 02 21.03 21.38 20.87 21.24 -0.31
MAY 02 21.15 21.33 21.10 21.34 -0.31
JUN 02 21.25 21.55 21.15 21.40 -0.32
JUL 02 21.35 21.47 21.25 21.41 -0.33
AUG 02 21.32 21.35 21.27 21.44 -0.33
SEP 02 21.50 21.50 21.45 21.47 -0.33
OCT 02 21.83 21.83 21.83 21.83 +0.00
NOV 02 21.86 21.86 21.86 21.86 +0.00
Crude Oil Futures Slip in Profit-Taking

Crude oil futures for February delivery on the NYMEX slipped
$0.37 to $20.90 per barrel yesterday, but remained near 6-week highs.
Traders attributed the losses to some profit-taking after crude
prices climbed by $1.65 per barrel on Wednesday. Speculation that
OPEC members will keep pumping over their quotas also pressured the
market downward. OPEC is expected to announce its 4th production cut
in a year today. It is expected to cut output by 1.5 million bpd
after receiving pledges from non-member producing countries to lower
exports by a combined total of 462,500 bpd. However, the 10 OPEC
members with quotas exceeded their quotas by 500,000 - 600,000 bpd in
November. Some expect that actual output reductions from OPEC and non-
members will be closer to 1.0 1.2 million bpd, which could be enough
to prevent crude oil inventories from rising. The production cuts are
aimed at lifting prices back into the $22 - $25 range for OPEC's
basket of crudes. The IEA has forecast that world oil demand will
rise next year by 600,000 bpd, about 30% below the demand growth rate
over the last decade. Heating oil futures for January delivery on the
NYMEX fell $0.0131 to $0.5815 per gallon. January gasoline futures on
the NYMEX dipped $0.0086 to $0.5927 per gallon. In London, Brent
crude oil futures for February delivery on the IPE were up $1.01 to
$20.34 per barrel.
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NYMEX Henry Hub Natural Gas Futures
12 Month Strip 2.7936 -0.2366
18 Month Strip 2.9223
| Month | High | Low | Close | Change |
| JAN | 2.750 | 2.500 | 2.555 | -0.356 |
| FEB | 2.650 | 2.600 | 2.619 | -0.318 |
| MAR | 2.810 | 2.550 | 2.630 | -0.287 |
| APR | 2.770 | 2.560 | 2.630 | -0.242 |
| MAY | 2.780 | 2.580 | 2.681 | -0.233 |
| JUN | 2.890 | 2.700 | 2.740 | -0.223 |
| JUL | 2.930 | 2.770 | 2.788 | -0.215 |
| AUG | 2.900 | 2.790 | 2.833 | -0.208 |
| SEP | 2.900 | 2.830 | 2.843 | -0.203 |
| OCT | 2.930 | 2.870 | 2.878 | -0.193 |
| NOV | 3.150 | 3.090 | 3.068 | -0.188 |
| DEC | 3.350 | 3.250 | 3.258 | -0.173 |
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Canadian Oil Stocks Surge

Canadian oil stocks surged yesterday morning as investors
welcomed apparent confirmation that OPEC would make its much
predicted production cut today. The Toronto Stock Exchange oil and
natural gas sub-index was up 1.89% at 9,047.34 just before noon. The
jump followed Saudi Arabia's oil minister's statement that OPEC would
announce a production cut of 1.5 million bpd. The Canadian markets
were closed Tuesday and Wednesday for the Christmas holiday. The
TSE's energy group topped the 9,000 level for the first time in more
than a month. Non-OPEC exporters Russia, Mexico, Norway, Oman and
Angola have together agreed to cut crude exports by 462,500 bpd.
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IPE-Brent Crude futures (US $/barrel)
Month First High Low Sett Chg
FEB 02 20.40 20.55 19.98 20.34 +1.01
MAR 02 20.10 20.11 19.62 20.01 +0.89
APR 02 20.05 20.10 19.64 20.01 +0.92
MAY 02 20.11 20.14 19.85 20.06 +0.89
JUN 02 20.21 20.30 19.92 20.16 +0.88
JUL 02 20.31 20.31 20.20 20.26 +0.88
AUG 02 20.32 20.32 20.32 20.32 +0.85
SEP 02 20.39 20.39 20.38 20.38 +0.82
OCT 02 20.44 20.44 20.44 20.44 +0.80
NOV 02 20.48 20.48 20.48 20.48 +0.77
NYMEX-Mont Belvieu Propane
Gas Futures($ / Gallon)
Month High Low Last Change
JAN 02 0.3395 0.3305 0.3375 -0.0050
FEB 02 0.3450 0.3350 0.3375 -0.0050
MAR 02 0.3450 0.3375 0.3375 -0.0050
APR 02 0.3450 0.3450 0.3450 +0.0000
MAY 02 0.3475 0.3475 0.3475 +0.0000
JUN 02 0.3500 0.3500 0.3500 +0.0000
JUL 02 0.3550 0.3550 0.3550 +0.0000
Fitch Places Express Pipeline on Rating Watch Negative

Fitch has placed the `A' rating of the $150 million 6.47% senior
secured notes and the `BBB' rating of the $250 million 7.39%
subordinated secured notes issued by Express Pipeline on Rating Watch
Negative. The action reflects the weakened fundamentals of the US
energy market and the resulting impact on the overall credit quality
of the crude shippers. In addition, the financial performance of
Express has been below original projections due to weakened demand in
its targeted regional markets. The Express notes were issued in
February 1998 to finance the construction of the Express Pipeline and
to repay the costs incurred in the acquisition and upgrading of the
Platte pipeline. The ability of Express to service its debt is
largely dependent upon the revenues received from the pipeline
transportation tariffs paid by various crude shippers under
contractual off-take arrangements. Express is a wholly owned
subsidiary of Alberta Energy. The Express Pipeline System consists of
two main segments, the Express and Platte pipelines. The Express
segment is 785 miles long beginning in Hardisty, Alberta and running
to Casper, WY. The Platte segment is 932 miles long beginning in
Casper and extending to Wood River, IL.
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IPE - ARA Gas Oil Futures $ / Tonne
Month High Low Sett Change
JAN 02 175.25 169.75 174.00 + 7.50
FEB 02 175.75 170.75 175.50 + 8.50
MAR 02 175.75 172.25 175.75 + 8.25
APR 02 176.25 175.25 176.25 + 8.25
MAY 02 177.00 174.00 177.00 + 8.50
JUN 02 178.25 174.50 178.25 + 7.75
JUL 02 179.75 179.75 179.75 + 8.50
AUG 02 181.25 179.75 181.25 + 8.25
SEP 02 183.00 180.00 183.00 + 8.50
OCT 02 184.75 184.75 184.75 + 8.75
Month High Low Last Change
JAN 02 0.5950 0.5850 0.5927 -0.0086
FEB 02 0.6025 0.5920 0.5982 -0.0085
MAR 02 0.6120 0.6020 0.6080 -0.0080
APR 02 0.6725 0.6625 0.6680 -0.0070
MAY 02 0.6740 0.6670 0.6720 -0.0060
JUN 02 0.6740 0.6690 0.6705 -0.0060
JUL 02 0.6700 0.6520 0.6705 +0.0000
AUG 02 0.6600 0.6600 0.6615 +0.0000
SEP 02 0.6500 0.6500 0.6475 +0.0000
OCT 02 0.6275 0.6275 0.6235 +0.0000
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Nigeria Under Pressure to Comply with New Quotas

At the OPEC meeting today in Cairo, Nigeria will likely receive
intense pressure to increase compliance with its official OPEC
limits. The cartel is expected to finalize an agreement to cut 1.5
million bpd from output along with almost 500,000 bpd of reductions
from non-OPEC producers at the meeting. The cartels overall
compliance with its self-imposed limits improved in November as the
10 members were 600,000 bpd over their limits. However, according to
its own data, Nigeria pumped 300,000 bpd in excess of its quota,
making it responsible for half the cheating. If OPEC cuts output by
an expected 1.5 million bpd, Nigeria's new quota would be about 1.79
million bpd, necessitating a 400,000 bpd cut, or 22% from its
November volumes. Nigeria's presidential adviser on energy will
takeover as OPEC President on January 1st, making it even more
important that it adhere to the quota. Some cartel members say that
full compliance will be stressed at the meeting because they have
asked non-members to make commitments and it is important for OPEC to
stick to set an example. It is unlikely that OPEC members will reach
full compliance during January. Sales commitments for the month have
already been made and although some members like Saudi Arabia have
flexibility in their contracts others would need to reduce volumes
already sold.
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| Agua Dulce | 2.49 |
| ANR SE | 2.59 |
| Carthage TG | 2.52 |
| Chicago Citygate | 2.65 |
| Columbia Gulf Onshore | 2.60 |
| Dominion South Point | 2.77 |
| Henry Hub | 2.63 |
| Houston Ship Channel | 2.63 |
| Katy Hub | 2.54 |
| NGPL LA Pool | 2.55 |
| NGPL - Midcontinent | 2.47 |
| NGPL STX | 2.52 |
| NGPL TX/OK | 2.53 |
| NNG Demarc. | 2.59 |
| Niagara | 2.90 |
| Sonat Tier 1 | 2.59 |
| TCO IPP Pool | 2.78 |
| Tetco ELa | 2.59 |
| Tetco M-3 | 3.22 |
| Tetco STX | 2.53 |
| TGP Zone 0 | 2.52 |
| TGP Zone 1 (500 Leg) | 2.58 |
| TGT Zone SL | 2.64 |
| New York Citygate | 3.38 |
| Transco Station 65 | 2.63 |
| Transco Zone 6 (NY) | 3.39 |
| Trunk ELa | 2.55 |
| Western Region
| California Border | 2.54 |
| El Paso Keystone | 2.41 |
| El Paso San Juan-Blanco | 2.40 |
| Waha Hub | 2.46 |
| Canadian/Rockies Region
| Nova/Aeco (C$/gig) | 3.52 |
| Dawn Hub/Union | 2.84 |
| Northwest Stanfield | 2.36 |
| Wyoming Pool | 2.33 |
| Opal/Kern River | 2.68 |
| PGT-Malin | 2.49 |
| Sumas | 2.42 |
Flow date 12/28
Crude and Product Stocks Up

The DOE has reported crude oil inventories rose 2.6 million
barrels from prior period. Gasoline stocks fell 3.3 million barrels
and distillate stocks fell 1.7 million barrels from the prior period.
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Russia's Oil Export Plan Leaves Loopholes

Russia's 1st quarter oil export schedule makes it only appear
that the country will keep a promise to cut 150,000 bpd of exports in
a bid to help OPEC lift sagging crude prices. This week, it set an
export schedule to export 30.9 million tonnes of its own crude and
will ship 3.63 million tonnes of Kazakh and 725,000 tonnes of Azeri
crude in the 1st quarter of next year. Although the schedule looks
like a firm pledge to reduce exports, there is no benchmark figure to
which the schedule could be compared. Russian traders say that the
country's oil firms will seek ways to increase crude exports to the
West because it pays more than domestic consumers. They point out
that while the export schedule includes only volumes moved by the
state pipeline Transneft, over 2 million tonnes per quarter bypass
Transneft. There are many ways to increase officially declared 1st
quarter volumes, for example, by allowing oil companies to export
cargoes not shipped in November and December due to storms. It is
also possible that Russian oil companies will increase oil volumes to
Ukraine and Belarus refineries, where their further shipments will be
hard to track.

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OPEC Expected to Announce Production Cut Today

OPEC is expected to officially announce its plan to cut up to 1.5
million bpd from exports at a meeting in Cairo today. The output cut
is expected to be effective as of January 1st and last 3-6 months and
is aimed at lifting prices back into the $22 - $25 range for OPECs
basket of crudes. But some members of the cartel appear to be bowing
to the realization that the global economy has weakened by saying
that they believe $20 to $22 is a reasonable level and that $25 is
not a reasonable price. The demand for oil is growing at its slowest
pace since 1984, forcing OPEC and non-aligned producers to cut
supplies. The IEA predicts that oil demand will grow by just 600,000
bpd, which is 30% lower than the average growth over the last decade.
However, many think that OPEC will fail because of the cartels poor
record of compliance to previously instituted reductions. OPEC
members exceeded their quotas by 500,000 - 600,000 bpd in November.
If OPEC does not stick to its self-imposed limits, there is very
little incentive for producers outside the cartel to abide by their
commitments. Some expect that actual output reductions from OPEC and
non-members will be closer to between 1 million and 1.2 million bpd,
which would be just about enough to keep stockpiles from rising.
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The TSE 300 added 97.99 points to 7650.58
The CRB Index lost 1.42 points to 192.07
The US Dollar dropped 0.29 points to 117.49
The Dow advanced 43.17 points to 10131.31
The S&P 500 climbed 7.76 points to 1157.13
The Nasdaq was up 15.72 points to 1976.42
February NYMEX Crude Oil fell 1.65 to 20.90
Canadian-US Exchange added 0.0000 to 1.5935
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