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[IMAGE] =09[IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE]POUNDSTONE BACK ON COMEDY CIRCUIT [IMAGE] [IMAGE] PAULA PO= UNDSTONE Paula Poundstone is back on the comedy track after a stint in ja= il and drug rehab. She completed a court-ordered 180-day stay at a live-in = rehab facility, and is currently on track for a comeback. The 41-year-old= comedienne performed at the Rio Theatre in Santa Cruz, California last Fri= day, poking fun at herself and her situation in classic Poundstone style. = "It's kind of strange to see this many seats not in a circle," she joked, = alluding to the time she spent at the Promises rehabilitation facility in M= alibu. "This is my first night performing since I've been a criminal," s= aid Poundstone. "Jail is just like the cop shows. I got one phone call, and= I called Dick Van Dyke." Poundstone pleaded no contest to felony child e= ndangerment and a misdemeanor charge of inflicting injury on a child on Sep= tember 12. Three counts of lewd acts upon a child were dropped by prosecuto= rs in return for the plea. According to Poundstone's attorney, she will b= e allowed monitored visitation with her three adopted children until a deci= sion is made in family court. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] = [IMAGE]GARTH BROOKS DIVORCE OFFICIAL [IMAGE] [IMAGE] GARTH BROOKS Af= ter being separated since March of 1999, the almost 15-year marriage of Gar= th Brooks to wife Sandy is officially over. Brooks filed papers in a Davi= dson County, Tennessee Circuit Court in November 2000, citing irreconcilabl= e differences. Brooks' spokeswoman Karen Byrd had no additional comment o= ther than to confirm the report. The couple have three daughters aged 8, = 6 and 4 and have homes in Tennessee as well as Oklahoma. Brooks' new albu= m, "Scarecrow" was released in November and is currently number one on the = Billboard country chart. [IMAGE] =09[IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [= IMAGE] CELEBRITY FACE-OFF [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] What newly singl= e actress do you like best? [IMAGE] ? Big Pictures/ZUMA Press Nicole K= idman [IMAGE] ? Nancy Kaszerman/ZUMA Press Meg Ryan S= ee Results [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =09 If you would like to unsubscribe from Gossip Flash, please click here.=20 =20 You received this email because you opted to receive the Gossip Flash News= letter through one of our valued partners. If you believe you received th= is message in error or would no longer like to receive this email simply c= lick here . If you have any questions please email help@gossipflash.com = and a customer service representative will assist you