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[IMAGE] =09[IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE]GEORGE CLOONEY'S BIZARRE MARRIAGE & WACKY DIVORCE [IMAGE] = [IMAGE] GEORGE CLOONEY was once married, and some of his friends had no ide= a. No wonder George Clooney has become a confirmed bachelor - his only ma= rriage didn't last as long as the divorce wrangling! Clooney wed actor Ma= rtin Balsam's daughter Talia on Dec. 15, 1989, and they separated 20 months= later. But it took 25 months before the divorce decree became final in Sep= tember 1993. The couple fought long and hard in court over their communit= y property - including George's prize possession, a potbellied pig named Ma= x. "George wound up getting Max although Talia had become very fond of hi= m," Talia's uncle, actor Dick Van Patten, told The ENQUIRER. "They fought o= ver that - it was like a child custody battle! "George didn't treat Talia= badly during the marriage. I remember he took her to Vegas for their honey= moon. But after they were wed he just decided, 'I guess I shouldn't have go= tten married. I didn't know what this marriage business was like.' "It wa= s too confining for him." At the time of the marriage, George, now 40, wa= s a struggling actor who was "pursuing stardom with a vengeance, but Talia = wanted a more traditional marriage so she was not at all that supportive," = a close friend revealed. "Over the course of their marriage, they continu= ed to grow apart because they could not find a compromise. Eventually, Geor= ge started getting better and better roles and people started to really not= ice him - especially women. "George and Talia began arguing more often be= cause he wasn't home a lot, so they finally decided it would be best for bo= th of them if they divorced. "That's when things got really ugly. George = was furious when Talia - whose family had money - insisted she get all the = furniture and other household goods because as a struggling actor, it took = him a long time to acquire those things." In the end, Clooney got a baby = grand piano, a 1959 Corvette, a 1983 Harley, a l988 Saab and a 1991 motor h= ome, plus the money in four bank accounts, interests in partnerships, stock= s and a Studio City house. Talia got $95,000 in cash from George, her jew= elry, some bank accounts and a 1988 Dodge. Each was allowed to keep whate= ver "furniture, furnishings, artwork, antiques, fixtures, personal mementos= , household equipment and appliances, crystal, china, flatware and linens c= urrently in (their) possession," according to court papers. Said the frie= nd: "That whole experience didn't turn George off women, but it did turn hi= m off to getting married again." Even while he was married, George always= acted very much like a single guy, say sources. "I had no idea there was= a Mrs. Clooney," said a waitress at Du-Par's restaurant, where Clooney was= a fixture. "Nobody did. "He was in here all the time with a group of bu= ddies. He was the quintessential single guy." And a former neighbor in St= udio City disclosed: "We all remember the pig, but most people had no idea = George was married. "Some days he kept the pig in the yard outside. Some = neighbors complained it smelled. It never bothered me. It just snorted at n= ight sometimes. "But as for his wife - I never saw her. Then she was gone= and he lived there with a few buddies." Talia married actor John Slatter= y in 1998, and they live happily in New York City. Said a New York pal: "= Talia's husband is gorgeous, he makes her laugh. They're really connected. = So I'd say she's done pretty well since George. I don't think she's crying = over him at all." [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE]HA= LLE BERRY STRIPS FOR "MONSTER'S BALL" [IMAGE] [IMAGE] HALLE BERRY Atte= ntion Halle Berry fans! If you were excited to see her bare breasts in "Swo= rdfish," you're in for another bare-all Berry-fest with her newest film "Mo= nster's Ball," with Billy Bob Thornton. According to reports, producers = had to cut a sex scene that would have put the movie at an NC- 17 rating be= cause of its very graphic content. "I would only do it if Billy Bob agre= ed to be as naked as I was," Berry told the New York Times Magazine. She al= so added that the nudity in "Swordfish" was "gratuitous," but that it gave = her the courage to take it all off one more time for "Monster's Ball." "= We shot the sex scene on Day 19 of a 21-day shoot," saidBerry. "I always sa= y Billy Bob and I dated for three weeks, and then we had sex." "Monster'= s Ball" opened this week to audiences in New York and Los Angeles. [IMAGE= ] =09[IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] CELEBRITY FACE-OFF [IMAG= E] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] What former Golden Globe winner do you like best= ? [IMAGE] ? TV Guide Online Kevin Spacey [IMAGE] ? Jerzy Dabrosky/= ZUMA Press Harrison Ford See Results [IMAGE] [= IMAGE] [IMAGE] =09 If you would like to unsubscribe from Gossip Flash, please click here.=20 =20 You received this email because you opted to receive the Gossip Flash News= letter through one of our valued partners. If you believe you received th= is message in error or would no longer like to receive this email simply c= lick here . If you have any questions please email help@gossipflash.com = and a customer service representative will assist you