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Subject:Get 75% Off Printer Ink Now!
Date:Sun, 28 Oct 2001 02:42:34 -0800 (PST)

Quick Inspirations =09 [IMAGE] Home [IMAGE] [IMAGE]=09

[IMAGE] =09[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] You own a computer. You own a pr=
inter. You've had to replace your printer ink cartridge. [IMAGE] WHY =
DOES IT COST SO MUCH? 25 bucks for one cartridge. That's unbelievable! =
That's unreasonable! And now it's a thing of the past thanks to AllYouCan=
Ink. Why pay $22.99 at a retail store when you can pay $6.95 online? Wh=
y pay $25.35 when you can pay $7.95? Which makes more sense, $28.99 or $8=
.95? The choice is obvious! HP, Canon, Epson, Compaq and Lexmark. Cli=
ck here for amazing dealson these and other brand names! [IMAGE] Your =
inspirational quote for the day: [IMAGE] My Star! [IMAGE] You're l=
ike a shining star in the cold dark night You lead me, You guide me, You=
make everything seem right. [IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE] Every day, I'm gratef=
ul for your warm, shining light. Thank you for making my whole world bri=
ght. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Check out our other inspirati=
onal content: [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Rescue Hug [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Specia=
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AGE] =09[IMAGE] =09

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