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Quick Inspirations =09 [IMAGE] Home [IMAGE] [IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE] =09[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Your inspirationa= l quote for the day: [IMAGE] Thank You [IMAGE] Thank you for all t= he moments we've shared, moments filled with shared dreams and wishes, = secrets, laughter, and tears, and above all, friendship. Each precious se= cond will be treasured in my heart forever. Thank you for taking time, t= ime to stop and take an interest in me; time to listen to my problems a= nd help me find the solutions, and most of all, time to smile at me and s= how you care.. Thank you for being you you're a wonderful person. You = were there when I needed you to confide in and to ask advice from. Thr= ough you, I began to understand and then like myself.. How can I ever tel= l you how much I care for you?? Thank you my friend... [IMAGE] [= IMAGE] Check out our other inspirational content: [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Let Me G= ive [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Life [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Memory [IMAG= E] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Visit QuickInspirations.com [IMAGE] [IMAGE] = [IMAGE] [IMAGE] To unsubscribe from the Quick Inspirations newsletter s= imply click here You received this email because you opted to receive th= e Quick Inspirations Newsletter through one of our valued partners. If you= believe you received this message in error or would no longer like to rece= ive quick inspirations please follow the unsubscription instructions at the= bottom of this email. If you have any questions please email qi-help@quic= kinspirations.com and a customer service representative will assist you = [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =09[IMAGE] =09 =09=09[IMAGE] =09 [IMAGE] =09Quick Inspirations is Copyright ? 2001. All rights reserved. [I= MAGE] [IMAGE] =09[IMAGE] =09