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Subject:Get YOUR Credit Report For FREE!
Date:Thu, 25 Oct 2001 01:41:49 -0700 (PDT)

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[IMAGE] =09[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] How good is your credit? [IMAGE=
] Don't know? You should! And now you can?FREE! Thanks to ConsumerI=
nfo.com, you can obtain a FREE copy of your credit report online! Sign=
up today for 30 FREE days of the CreditCheck=20
Monitoring Service at no obligation and get a FREE copy of your Equifax cr=
edit report! Click here to see what's on YOUR credit report! [IMAGE] =
Your inspirational quote for the day: [IMAGE] Hang Onto Each Other =
[IMAGE] Too often we feel alone. But there is always someone ready to take=
our hand. There is a beautiful story of an overworked nurse who escorted a=
tired, young man to her patient's bed -side. Leaning over and speaking lou=
dly to the elderly patient, she said, "Your son is here." With great effo=
rt, his unfocussed eyes opened, then flickered shut again. The young man sq=
ueezed the aged hand in his and sat beside the bed. Throughout the night he=
sat there, holding the old man's hand and whispering words of comfort. B=
y morning's light, the patient had died. In moments, hospital staff swarmed=
into the room to turn off machines and remove needles. The nurse stepped o=
ver to the young man's side and began to offer sympathy, but he interrupted=
her. "Who was that man?" he asked. The startled nurse replied, "I thou=
ght he was your father!" "No, he was not my father", he answered. I never s=
aw him before in my life." "Then, why didn't you say something when I took =
you to him?" "I realized he needed his son and his son wasn't here", the =
man explained. "And since he was too sick to recognize that I was not his s=
on, I knew he needed me." Mother Teresa used to remind us that nobody sho=
uld have to die alone. Likewise, nobody should have to grieve alone or cry =
alone either. Or laugh alone or celebrate alone. We are made to travel li=
fe's journey hand in hand. There is someone ready to grasp your hand today.=
And someone hoping you will take theirs. Remember To Hang On To One Anothe=
r! [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Check out our other inspirational content: [IM=
E] [IMAGE] Care [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Visit QuickInspiration=
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