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Subject:Pregnant Liz Dumps Beau -- & Rushes Back To Hugh
Date:Sat, 17 Nov 2001 15:59:00 -0800 (PST)

[IMAGE] =09[IMAGE]=09


EDDING BELLS BE NEXT? [IMAGE] [IMAGE] A radiant Liz, seen here in Lond=
on, puts the tears of her breakup with boyfriend Steve Bing behind her Pr=
egnant Liz Hurley broke down in tears and dumped boyfriend Steve Bing after=
he told her he didn't want to become a dad. Then she flew back to Britai=
n to be comforted by former lover Hugh Grant - who's now trying to woo her =
back! That's the tangled tale behind the headlines as Liz's roller-coaster=
relationship with Grant takes another incredible turn. Now close pals ar=
e predicting the glamour couple will tie the knot - and Hugh will adopt Liz=
's baby! "Hugh's already acting like it's his child," revealed a source c=
lose to the couple. "Bing didn't want the baby - so why not?" Said an i=
nsider: "Hugh never wanted to lose Liz - she was the one who dumped him aft=
er he was caught with a hooker in Hollywood. "But he's always been there=
for her - now more than ever. [IMAGE] A pensive Hugh leaves Liz's London =
home, where he and Liz are staying together. "He was the one who went with=
her and held her hand when she had her first ultrasound. They're both livi=
ng under the same roof at Liz's house in London while Hugh's apartment is r=
emodeled. "He's doing all he can to win her back - and it wouldn't surpri=
se any of their pals if they get married and Hugh adopts the baby! "When =
Liz discovered she was expecting Bing's baby, she never considered an abort=
ion. She always wanted a baby and she realizes that at age 36 her biologica=
l clock is ticking. "And when she looks at other famous moms like Madonna=
, Catherine Zeta-Jones and Kate Winslet, she realizes she can have a career=
AND a baby." Bing, $600 million real estate heir and wanna-be Hollywood =
producer, wooed Liz over private dinners at the $3,000-a-night suite he kee=
ps at the posh Hotel Bel-Air in Los Angeles. But close pals say Bing's ne=
gative reaction to Liz's pregnancy stunned the supermodel and killed their =
romance for good. Now she's dubbed the 37-year-old playboy "Bing Laden"! =
FIRST [IMAGE] [IMAGE] ROBERT DOWNEY JR. In an evaluation hearing in Cal=
ifornia, Robert Downey Jr. told the judge that his focus right now in life =
is his recovery and his family. "Furthering my endeavor in recovery ? is =
really my priority for right now," Downey told Riverside County Superior Co=
urt Judge Randall D. White. "I've been able to re-establish contact with my=
family. That's the only privilege I consider myself really to have at this=
point." Downey was sentenced to one year at a live-in rehab facility and=
three years of probation last year after pleading no contest to a charge o=
f cocaine possession and being under the influence. "With some humility =
I'd like to let the court know I appreciate your allowing me to continue," =
Downey told Judge White. Although Downey did not speak to reporters, his =
attorney James Epstein revealed that Downey has turned down many offers for=
acting jobs since he has been in treatment. "You'll have Robert again, I p=
romise, on the screen. But for now, he's focusing on his personal life," sa=
id Epstein. Downey is scheduled for another evaluation hearing in March o=
f 2002. [IMAGE] =09[IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [I=
What singing diva do you like best? [IMAGE] Mariah Carey [IMAG=
E] J.LO See Results [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =09

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