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Subject:Providian Smart Visa - Apply Now!
Date:Tue, 20 Nov 2001 19:20:33 -0800 (PST)

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member of Quick Inspirations. If you feel you are receiving this message i=
n error or do not wish to receive future messages, please see the unsubscri=
be instructions at the bottom of this email. [IMAGE] At Providi=
an, we think every customer deserves a smart offer. Take advantage of a sm=
art rate, plus lots of great benefits with the card that's clearly smart! =
Apply now for Providian Smart Visa and get it all: * 1.9% INTRODUC=
TORY APR* on purchases Please scroll down for complete pricing informatio=
n and important Terms and Conditions. * SMART CHIP in every card * 30-SEC=
OND online response * 24-HOUR ONLINE ACCOUNT ACCESS and more! In just 3=
0 seconds, you could be on your way to the new Providian Visa with a smart=
chip! CLICK TO APPLY ! *The introductory rate on purchases is fo=
r 2 or 3 billing periods after account opening, depending upon the account=
for which you qualify. For more complete pricing information, see importa=
nt Terms and Conditions for Providian Smart Visa. You must be a U.S. r=
esident and at least 18 years of age to apply. This offer may not be avail=
able to current Providian credit card customers and employees of Providian=
. Providian Smart Visa is currently available in all U.S. states except Wi=
sconsin. If you previously asked to be excluded from Providian product o=
fferings and solicitations, we apologize for this e-mail. Every effort was=
made to ensure that you were excluded from our database. If you wish to b=
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. Providian National Bank - Member FDIC Providian Bank - Member FDIC =
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