Enron Mail

To:helpdesk.hottap@enron.com, toby.kuehl@enron.com, bradley.holmes@enron.com,john.buchanan@enron.com, terry.kowalke@enron.com, darrell.schoolcraft@enron.com, lynn.blair@enron.com, sheila.nacey@enron.com
Subject:RE: All tests were NOT successfully executed
Cc:scott.abshire@enron.com, steve.hotte@enron.com, lisa.sawyer@enron.com,jean.mcfarland@enron.com, hasan.kedwaii@enron.com, glenda.wagner@enron.com, don.daze@enron.com, phylis.karas@enron.com
Bcc:scott.abshire@enron.com, steve.hotte@enron.com, lisa.sawyer@enron.com,jean.mcfarland@enron.com, hasan.kedwaii@enron.com, glenda.wagner@enron.com, don.daze@enron.com, phylis.karas@enron.com
Date:Wed, 26 Dec 2001 05:13:20 -0800 (PST)

It has been confirmed that the NNG Allocations data is correct - there is no allocation data to display.

HotTap Helpdesk
for Chris Smith

-----Original Message-----
From: Hottap HelpDesk
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2001 6:58 AM
To: Hottap HelpDesk; Kuehl, Toby; Holmes, Bradley; Buchanan, John; Kowalke, Terry; Schoolcraft, Darrell; Blair, Lynn; Nacey, Sheila
Cc: Abshire, Scott; Hotte, Steve; Sawyer, Lisa; McFarland, Jean; Kedwaii, Hasan; Wagner, Glenda; Daze, Don; Karas, Phylis
Subject: FW: All tests were NOT successfully executed

All testing was completed. We have confirmed with the ENW Resolution Center that the Exchange servers are up.

NNG Allocations shows no information to display. We are checking into the validity of that posting and will advise.

HotTap Helpdesk
for Chris Smith