Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Pipeline Interconnect Forum - Sunday Event Schedule
Cc:snyder@enron.com, cxm2@pge.com, wood@enron.com, jll3@pge.com, pon@enron.com,wwp1@pge.com, johnson@enron.com, mkj2@pge.com
Bcc:snyder@enron.com, cxm2@pge.com, wood@enron.com, jll3@pge.com, pon@enron.com,wwp1@pge.com, johnson@enron.com, mkj2@pge.com
Date:Wed, 17 Oct 2001 14:23:37 -0700 (PDT)

One more note:
Casual dress is appropriate for Sunday.

Todd Hudson
Information Systems Analyst
Gas System Operations

< -----Original Message-----
< From: Hudson, Todd
< Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 1:01 PM
< To: 'kvanpelt@cmsenergy.com'; 'jhickman@nisource.com';
< 'theresa.hess@enron.com'; 'randy.young@gulfsouthpl.com';
< 'tom_gwilliam@iroquois.com'; 'michael.d.rasmuson@williams.com';
< 'janie.k.nielsen@williams.com'; 'Ruth.Clark@neg.pge.com';
< 'jarregu@mail.pnm.com'; 'Michelle_M_Willis@reliantenergy.com';
< 'csuarez@reliantenergy.com'; 'mark.gracey@elpaso.com';
< 'ken_schubert@transcanada.com'; 'Lynn.blair@enron.com'
< Cc: Snyder, Cheryl; Wood, Jeanne; Pon, Wayman; Johnson, Kirk
< Subject: RE: Pipeline Interconnect Forum - Sunday Event Schedule
< Folks,
< We are working with the hotel to have walking maps provided for you with
< directions from the hotel to the restaurant. For those of you that will
< be coming from other places, here is the name and address of the
< restaurant:
< Capp's Corner
< 1600 Powell Street
< (415) 989-2589
< Lunch will begin at 1 pm. The after lunch event will end at around 4:30.
< The special event will be very fun. It will be a rare chance to see a
< uniquely San Franciscan event.
< Looking forward to seeing you all,
< Todd Hudson
< Information Systems Analyst
< Gas System Operations
< 415.973.1386
< -----Original Message-----
< From: Hudson, Todd
< Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 2:52 PM
< To: 'kvanpelt@cmsenergy.com'; 'jhickman@nisource.com';
< 'jtyoung@nisource.com'; 'Iris_g._king@dom.com'; 'theresa.hess@enron.com';
< 'Lynn.blair@enron.com'; 'randy.young@gulfsouthpl.com';
< 'tom_gwilliam@iroquois.com'; 'michael.d.rasmuson@williams.com';
< 'janie.k.nielsen@williams.com'; 'Ruth.Clark@neg.pge.com';
< 'jarregu@mail.pnm.com'; 'Michelle_M_Willis@reliantenergy.com';
< 'tjwilliams@reliantenergy.com'; 'csuarez@reliantenergy.com';
< 'pdavidson@socalgas.com'; 'RIshikawa@socalgas.com';
< 'mark.gracey@elpaso.com'
< Cc: Hudson, Todd; Snyder, Cheryl; Wood, Jeanne; Pon, Wayman; Johnson,
< Kirk
< Subject: Pipeline Interconnect Forum - Sunday Event Schedule
< This email is intended for those Forum participants who have confirmed for
< the Sunday kickoff event.
< Lunch will be starting at 1 pm. You will need to travel from the hotel to
< the restaurant (allow approximately 30 minutes). Lunch will be followed by
< another activity which will conclude around 4:30 pm.
< More detailed information will be sent out in the next few weeks on the
< location and directions to the restaurant.
< Todd Hudson
< Information Systems Analyst
< California Gas Transmission
< Pacific Gas & Electric Company
< 415.973.1386