Enron Mail

To:sheila.nacey@enron.com, lynn.blair@enron.com
Subject:RE: Scheduled Qty Report
Date:Mon, 15 Oct 2001 11:21:19 -0700 (PDT)

=09I have received a few phone calls from Utilicorp (Keith Milem) stating t=
hey are unhappy with the removal of Scheduled Quantity report. Not only do =
their schedulers use this report on a daily basis, their accounting personn=
el use it to tie out volumes at the end of the month. Thanks.

Randy =20

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Garcia, Ava =20
Sent:=09Monday, October 15, 2001 1:18 PM
To:=09Berger, Larry; Blair, Lynn; Bodnar, Michael; Buchanan, John; Kowalke,=
Terry; Zadow, Raetta; Barry, Patrick; Blair, Jean; Bryan, Randy; Callans, =
Nancy; Carr, James; Clapper, Karen; Perry, Renee; Porter, Diana; Walden, Sh=
irley; Washington, Kathy; Wilkens, Jerry; Bastida, Nancy; Brostad, Karen; B=
rown, Elizabeth; Carrillo, Alma; Carter, Zuela; Dasilva, Esther; Davis, Lar=
ry; Eldridge, Dale; Green, Alma; Hanagriff, Richard; Johnson, Alice; Lee, D=
ennis; Steele, Patricia; Trevino, Linda; Vasquez, Josue; Aldinger, William;=
Collins, Marion; Conklin, Jacob; Coon, Galen; Cooper, Tim; Cramer, James; =
Howard, Jack; Laferla, Lynda ; Phillips, Mary; Rivers, Cynthia; Betancourt,=
Ramona ; Black, Legale ; Draemer, Mary ; Kuehl, Toby; Matheson, Maggie; Me=
deles, Gerry; Skertich, Gerald; Studebaker, James ; Summers, Toby; Adams, J=
ean; Benningfield, Robert; Forbish, Sherry; Greaney, Chris; Hibbard, Scott;=
Janzen, Randy; Linhart, Joe; McDaniel, Janet; Scurlock, Debra; Sturr, Kath=
y; Vaughan, Cara; Woodson, Harry; Giambrone, Laura; Hernandez, Bert; McEvoy=
, Christine; Miller, Beverly; Miller, Chris L; Minter, Tracy; Mulligan, Amy=
; Ward, Linda
Cc:=09Nacey, Sheila; Blair, Lynn
Subject:=09FW: Scheduled Qty Report


Teams--Let me know if you've received calls from unhappy shippers regarding=
the removal of the "Scheduled Quantity reports for Shippers" in TMS!! We'=
ve been getting miscellaneous messages that customers are unhappy with this=
change--need some immediate feedback! Thks! Sheila