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Subject:Reduce Your Auto Insurance Drastically!
Date:Fri, 19 Oct 2001 01:44:10 -0700 (PDT)

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our inspirational quote for the day: [IMAGE] A Prayer For You T=
his morning when I wakened And saw the sun above, I softly said, "Good mo=
rning, Lord, Bless everyone I love." [IMAGE] Right away I thought of yo=
u And said a loving prayer, That He would bless you specially, And keep =
you free from care. [IMAGE] I thought of all the happiness A day could=
hold in store, I wished it all for you because No one deserves it more. =
[IMAGE] I felt so warm and good inside, My heart was all aglow. I kno=
w God heard my prayers for you, He hears them all, you know. [IMAGE] [I=
MAGE] [IMAGE] Check out our other inspirational content: [IMAGE] [IMAGE=
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