Enron Mail

Subject:Running low on printer ink?
Date:Sat, 20 Oct 2001 08:07:15 -0700 (PDT)

[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE]When I heard you could save money by b=
uying cartridges on the internet, I thought it was some kind of scam. But =
when they arrived so quickly, I was amazed! I love the internet economy, a=
nd you guys especially. --Trujillo Squab, Small Businessman I run the o=
ffice for a small group of lawyers and I've gone through more supply compa=
nies than I can remember over the last few years. But then my cousin from=
Seattle told me about All You Can Ink. Now I can finally rest! You've got=
one devoted customer right here. --John Wilkes, Assistant Legal Manager =
You know, I'm so tired of the same song and dance; one company after the=
other has promised me deals on various products. And then they disappear=
. But All You Can Ink actually delivers! And your customer service departm=
ent answered my questions, in common english. I am floored! --Julie Oliva-=
Deportamentito, Fireman [IMAGE]Last December I was hospitalized in a di=
ving accident and I haven't been able to easily leave the house for months=
. Shopping is a real problem for me, but with All You Can Ink, I've found =
it a snap to order new ribbons, and they arrive in perfect condition, pra=
ctically quicker than I'd be able to get them myself! --Frances Reeves, Li=
nguist Our company makes a lot of prints. I mean a whole lot. We spit o=
ut like four thousand sheets a day, on an easy day! And you can imagine ho=
w much we spend on ink. ...I didn't know if the quality would really be t=
hat reliable when I first ordered... but now we buy it all from All You Ca=
n Ink. Everything. --Connie Turbulance, Advanced Graphic Things Are Us. =

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