Enron Mail

Subject:You Need Free CDs!
Date:Wed, 26 Dec 2001 09:42:38 -0800 (PST)

=09=09 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =09
=09 [IMAGE] AN UNBEATABLE OFFER... Simply buy one CD and you get 11 CDs FR=
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No tricks. No gimmicks. It's 100% RISK FREE! Get 12 CDs for the pri=
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[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Train "Drops Of Jupiter " [IMAGE] Des=
tiny's Child "Survivor " [IMAGE] Enya "A Day Without Rain " [IMAGE=
] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Here's more hot new music -- there's even more FREE=
music to choose from @ cdhq.com! POP [IMAGE] Madonna Music Enya Pain=
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Fuel Something Like Human More Hits R? [IMAGE] Maxwell Now J=
agged Edged Jagged Little Thrill India.Arie Acoustic Soul Jaheim Ghet=
to Love Macy Gray On How Life Is [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE=
] =09=09
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