Enron Mail

Subject:FW: Bushton Processing Shut Down Plan - Receipt Point C6+ Listing
Date:Wed, 12 Dec 2001 10:50:00 -0800 (PST)

=09FYI - The column "Hexanes" is the C6+ column to review. Thanks. Lynn

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Sturn, John =20
Sent:=09Wednesday, December 05, 2001 1:10 PM
To:=09Ashland, Team; Beatrice-M&O, Team; Team Beatrice-Purple; Beaver-Plant=
, Team; Pool, Eddie; Burdett, Team; Bushton-Maintenance, Team; Bushton-Oper=
ations, Team; Clifton, Team; Ellis2, Team; Cunningham, Team; Holcomb-Fld-Co=
mp, Team; Holcomb-Maint, Team; Holcomb-Oper, Team; Hugoton-Field, Team; Hug=
oton-Plant, Team; Hugoton-SE, Team; Hugoton-SW-MTCO, Team; Hugoton-SW-TXCO,=
Team; Lyons, Team; Macksville, Team; Mullinville-Maintenance, Team; Mullin=
ville-Operations, Team; Mullinville Pipeline Team; Oakland, Team; Palmyra-1=
, Team; Palmyra-Plant, Team; Perryton, Team; South-Omaha, Team; Spearman, T=
eam; Sublette, Team; Sunray-Compressor, Team; Sunray-Field, Team; Tate, Tea=
m; Tescott, Team; Alvarado, Jesse; Armitage, Roy; Barnes, Rodney; Barry, Ri=
chard; Braswell, Keith; Calhoun, Rory; Coash, Steve; Cochran, Jeffrey; Cumm=
ings, Helen; Ellington, Michael; Hall, Margaret; Hardy, Crandal; Henley, Ga=
ynel; Monden, Bart; Moore, Jeff; Munson, Robert; Spain, Ron; Welsh, Edward;=
January, Steve; Ratliff, Dale; Schoolcraft, Darrell; Spraggins, Gary
Cc:=09Gilbert, Tom; Poock, Brian; Tippin, Wally; LeBeau, Randy; Jordan, Fre=
d; Lowe, Mickey; Williams, Walt; Gaines, David; Mall, Greg; Hallowell, Dean=
; Peschka, Mike; Odneal, Dave; Nelson, John; Rice, Tom; Wood, Byron; Stephe=
ns, LD; Howard, Randy; Dietz, Laverne; Miller, Dave W; Noyes, David; Graham=
, Charlie; Kile, Rick; Aschwege, Doug; Faucheaux, Eric
Subject:=09Bushton Processing Shut Down Plan - Receipt Point C6+ Listing

Attached is the latest listing of Bushton Universe receipt points with thei=
r corresponding C6+ compositions.


As you recall this list is to be used with the Bushton Procesing shut down =
plan to determine what receipts may have to be curtailed in the event of a =
shut down of the Bushton processing plant. Eric Faucheaux is working with =
ETS Measurement Technology to set up a process to regularly update this lis=
t. In the future these updates will not be emailed, but will be available =
on Optimization website, under Operating Guidelines.

The Optimization team website is at:


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