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Enron Mail |
-----Original Message----- From: =09Kirk, Steve =20 Sent:=09Thursday, November 29, 2001 3:46 PM To:=09'A. Robert Lasich Jr. (E-mail)'; 'Alissa Oppenheimer'; 'Amy Blauman (= E-mail)'; 'Bob White (E-mail)'; 'Carolyn Thompson (E-mail)'; 'Christie Rich= art (E-mail)'; 'Dave Francis (E-mail)'; 'David Bloom (E-mail)'; 'David Nutt= er (E-mail)'; 'David Tyler (E-mail)'; 'Dawn Karolick (E-mail)'; 'Donald Gre= venow (E-mail)'; 'Douglas M. Canter (E-mail)'; 'Frank Morehouse (E-mail)'; = 'Gordon J. Smith (E-mail)'; 'Howard Nelson (E-mail)'; 'James Johnson (E-mai= l)'; 'Jim Doering (E-mail)'; 'Jim Holt (E-mail)'; 'Jim Knight (E-mail)'; 'J= ohn Staffier (E-mail)'; 'John Webster (E-mail)'; 'Kathie Edwards (E-mail)';= 'Kathleen Mazure (E-mail)'; 'Kathy Hopkins (E-mail)'; 'Kirk Lavengood (E-m= ail)'; 'Len Gilmore (E-mail)'; 'Marc Nielsen (E-mail)'; 'Margaret Cordts (E= -mail)'; 'Mark Haskell (E-mail)'; 'Mark Pinney (E-mail)'; 'Nancy White (E-m= ail)'; 'Nick Schwartz (E-mail)'; 'Patrick Joyce (E-mail)'; 'Paul Vanderbloe= men (E-mail)'; 'Peter Kissel (E-mail)'; 'Richard D. Smith'; 'Roger Burmeist= er (E-mail)'; 'Roxane Maywalt (E-mail)'; 'Scott Hults (E-mail)'; 'Stephen S= choening (E-mail)'; 'Steve Abbey (E-mail)'; 'Thomas C. Gorak (E-mail)'; 'Wi= lliam Zorr (E-mail)' Cc:=09Miller, Mary Kay; 'Frank Kelly (E-mail)'; Neubauer, Dave; Pavlou, Mar= ia; 'Steve Stojic (E-mail)'; Darveaux, Mary; McGowan, Mike W. Subject:=09SLA Operational Team As you are aware, the Stipulation and Agreement of Settlement (Settlement) = of the SLA and Carlton proceedings have now been filed. In accordance with= Article 11, Section B of the Settlement, a joint Northern-Customer Operati= onal Team is now being formed to: (1) define the details of a mutually agr= eeable imbalance resolution utilizing in-kind and cash-out options; and (2)= define parameters for Northern's operational imbalance management. This memo serves as an official request to the parties to nominate individu= als to participate in the discussions of this Operational Team. We would e= ncourage parties to nominate participants who have commercial responsibilti= es or direct commercial experience in these areas. Such commercial make-up= of the team members will allow for meaningful discussion on the operationa= l and commercial issues necessary to arrive at a timely and mutually accept= able resolution. Please submit to Northern, the name, phone number, and e-mail address of th= e individual you would like to participate on this Operational Team. This = information should be sent to Steve Kirk at steve.kirk@enron.com no later t= han December 7, 2001. An initial organizational meeting (via conference ca= ll) of all participants is planned for 9:00 AM central time on December 12,= 2001. A confirmation and agenda for this initial meeting will be sent to all part= icipants prior to the call. The members of this Operational Team for Northern will be Mike McGowan, Ste= ve Kirk, Steve January, and Lynn Blair. If you have any questions, please call Steve Kirk at (402) 398-7067 or Mike= McGowan at (402) 398-7110. =20