Enron Mail

To:michele.winckowski@enron.com, lynn.blair@enron.com
Subject:RE: End-user Agreement Processes
Cc:dari.dornan@enron.com, jodie.floyd@enron.com, raetta.zadow@enron.com,ellis.stern@enron.com
Bcc:dari.dornan@enron.com, jodie.floyd@enron.com, raetta.zadow@enron.com,ellis.stern@enron.com
Date:Fri, 5 Oct 2001 10:48:40 -0700 (PDT)

I agree with Lynn's comments with one exception. My understanding is that P=
GAS was to be simply a vehicle to provide the end user volumes to Gas Logis=
tics, in addition to the TBS volumes, as is current practice. We want to pu=
rsue having these volumes supplied to Measurement via email so that they c=
an be imported electronically. Again, these are not OMVs in the traditiona=
l sense, since custody transfer has occurred on the TBS volumes. There is c=
urrently no mechanism in place to compare the TBS volumes to the end user v=
olumes other than manually. Additionally, due to the time of the month that=
these numbers are received, I'm not sure that there is sufficient time to =
argue the accuracy of the numbers . Currently, paragraph 4. of the End User=
agreement states "The Shipper's transportation agreement will be billed on=
the actual measured takes at the End User's POI." It does not address any =
differences between the TBS volumes, positive or negative, other than Shipp=
er is responsible for any imbalances resulting from the measured volumes at=
the End User POI. There are no provisions to challenge the accuracy of the=
numbers being supplied. Lynn is probably right that we will need some add=
itional discussions on this.

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Winckowski, Michele =20
Sent:=09Friday, October 05, 2001 11:14 AM
To:=09Blair, Lynn; Anderson, Gary E.
Cc:=09Dornan, Dari; Floyd, Jodie; Zadow, Raetta; Stern, Ellis
Subject:=09RE: End-user Agreement Processes

=09This is great and reflects my understanding from the meeting. Let me kn=
ow if I can be of assistance. Thanks MW

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Blair, Lynn =20
Sent:=09Friday, October 05, 2001 11:09 AM
To:=09Winckowski, Michele; Anderson, Gary E.
Cc:=09Dornan, Dari; Floyd, Jodie; Zadow, Raetta; Stern, Ellis
Subject:=09RE: End-user Agreement Processes

=09I would like to recap my understanding and the "To Do's" from the meetin=
g yesterday. =20

=09=091. After November 1, Measurement would NO longer adjust any TBS phys=
=09 volumes unless there was a PPA directly influencing sai=
d TBS.

=09=092. Measurement would check to see if they had a deduct meter they w=
=09 using in the end user process. (Since the meeting we ha=
ve discovered that
=09 =09 the deduct meter IS in GVA, therefore no checking needs to be d=

=09=093. Gas Logistics would check with IT on possible enhancement (if nec=
essary) for
=09=09 negative volumes to the TBS. (We have talked with IT and this w=
ould be
=09=09 a major enhancement and have to be done with the new system).

=09=094. Procedures need to be documented to handle negative numbers creat=
ed by
=09=09 the LDC giving measurement an end user actual volume greater tha=
n the=20
=09=09 TBS connected to NNG.

=09=095. Measurement and Gas Logistics agreed that all measured volumes in=
=09=09 End User point volumes would be "housed' in PGAS.

=09After further discussions in Gas Logistics, our recommendation is that n=
either Measurement or Gas Logistics accomodate a
=09negative number. If the LDC gives measurement an end user volume greate=
r than the TBS the following should happen:

=09=091. Measurement should either:

=09=09=09a. Call the LDC and let them know they cannot accept a volume at =
an end
=09=09=09 user point higher than their TBS.

=09=09=09b. Or Measurement can call Jodie Floyd on the Gas Logistics Measu=
rement Desk
=09=09=09 and Jodie will call LDC with the same info.

=09=092. If Measurement does not get an answer before measurement close, t=
hen measurement will
=09=09 use the number equal to the TBS for the end user point.

=09Gary and Ellis, you may want to have more discussions on this topic. I =
would be glad to regroup if you want.
=09I have put a call into Marketing to talk to them about our concerns on t=
his issue. Also Raetta and Jodie are
=09 going to go ahead and call Wisconsin Gas and get their explanation of w=
hy an end user point would be
=09greater than the TBS. Hopefully it is just a measurement error. We wil=
l let you know the outcome.

=09If there is something I missed, please let me know. Thanks. Lynn

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Winckowski, Michele =20
Sent:=09Friday, October 05, 2001 10:09 AM
To:=09Blair, Lynn; Anderson, Gary E.
Cc:=09Dornan, Dari
Subject:=09End-user Agreement Processes

=09Just wanted to follow-up. Are we still O.K. with the decisions made in =
the meeting the other day regarding the handling of end-user transactions? =
Have we run into any additional obstacles? Do you need me to do anything =
to assist in the process? If something does change, would you please let m=
e know. Thanks MW