Enron Mail

To:todd.hudson@enron.com, jr.breen@enron.com, margi.janopaul@enron.com,cheryl.snyder@enron.com, kirk.johnson@enron.com
Subject:RE: Pipeline Interconnect Forum Draft Minutes
Date:Fri, 7 Dec 2001 14:09:07 -0800 (PST)

Sounds like some of you may need some more time to review the minutes. I am
extending the deadline to Friday, December 14th.
Thank you,

Todd Hudson
Information Systems Analyst
Gas System Operations

< -----Original Message-----
< From: Hudson, Todd
< Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 12:29 PM
< To: 'jhickman@nisource.com'; 'theresa.hess@enron.com';
< 'randy.young@gulfsouthpl.com'; 'tom_gwilliam@iroquois.com';
< 'Ruth.Clark@neg.pge.com'; 'jarregu@mail.pnm.com';
< 'csuarez@reliantenergy.com';
< 'Michelle_M_Willis@reliantenergy.com';
< 'ken_schubert@transcanada.com'; 'Lynn.blair@enron.com';
< 'Charlie.Bass@elpaso.com'; 'klburch@duke-energy.com';
< 'mlmccain@duke-energy.com'; 'todd_white@iroquois.com';
< 'janie.k.nielsen@williams.com';
< 'michael.d.rasmuson@williams.com'; 'scotth@questar.com'; Pon,
< Wayman; Breen, John Jr; Janopaul, Margi; Hudson, Todd;
< Snyder, Cheryl; Johnson, Kirk
< Subject: Pipeline Interconnect Forum Draft Minutes
< Folks,
< Here are the draft Pipeline Interconnect Forum Minutes from
< the meeting on October 22, 2001. Please review them and get
< back to me with any comments or corrections by Friday,
< December 7th. After that, I'll send the final minutes to the
< complete distribution list.
< If you are interested in participating in Benchmarking,
< please contact me or Cheryl Snyder. Cheryl's email is
< Cxm2@pge.com. Her phone number is 415-973-4455. My email is
< tgh4@pge.com. My phone number is 415.973.1386.
< I have attached the minutes and the attendee list. << File:
< Interconnect_minutes2001.rtf << << File: Attendee_List.rtf <<
< Todd Hudson
< Information Systems Analyst
< California Gas Transmission
< Pacific Gas & Electric Company
< 415.973.1386