Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Storage Allocations
Date:Wed, 21 Nov 2001 08:47:07 -0800 (PST)

Lynn, we had a conference call with Kelly and Jeff yesterday. Chris was on the call also. We got nowhere, so then Kent and Steve Kirk called them later and explained how the process works and that we can't "reserve" capacity for them. They hung up on Steve and Kent. Shelley has been brought up to speed. thanks. sj

-----Original Message-----
From: Blair, Lynn
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 10:34 AM
To: 'mike.bodnar@enron.com'; January, Steve
Subject: Fw: Storage Allocations

Mike are you awawre of this? Also can you make sure sue and kent have seen it. Thanks. Lynn
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld (www.BlackBerry.net)

-----Original Message-----
From: "Kelly Schneider" <KellySchneider@alliant-energy.com<@ENRON [NOTES:"Kelly Schneider" <KellySchneider@alliant-energy.com<@ENRON]
To: Jeff Hicken <JeffHicken@alliant-energy.com<; Sebesta, Chris <Chris.Sebesta@ENRON.com<
CC: Bill Zorr <BillZorr@alliant-energy.com<; Nancy Caldwell <NancyCaldwell@alliant-energy.com<; Semin, Frank <Frank.Semin@ENRON.com<; Blair, Lynn <Lynn.Blair@ENRON.com<; jdoering@navigantconsulting.com <jdoering@navigantconsulting.com<
Sent: Tue Nov 20 10:34:05 2001
Subject: Storage Allocations

** High Priority **

Per discussion with Chris Sebesta, Alliant Energy has been informed of impending storage allocations for the upcoming holiday weekend.

For the weekend, we want to schedule maximum storage withdrawals (to protect against zone allocations) and we want to "schedule" the firm right to reduce our withdrawal to zero in the final nomination cycle. We expect NNG to honor our FIRM MAX RATE storage contract rights before they schedule a single dth of interruptible storage.

Please confirm our firm rights for all 3 of our Alliant Energy Utilities. We would like this confirmation by 3:00pm this afternoon in order to properly notify our customers of any necessary constraints.

Kelly Schneider

Kelly Schneider
Gas Trader - Alliant Energy
(608) 252-3078 PH
(608) 252-3130 FAX