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Subject:Someone has an eye on you!
Date:Mon, 31 Dec 2001 21:30:51 -0800 (PST)

Quick Inspirations =09 [IMAGE] Home [IMAGE] [IMAGE]=09

[IMAGE] =09[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] That's right! Somewhere =
out there is someone who is just waiting to meet you! Cupid Junction is =
the best way to meet that special someone! What are you waiting for? C=
lick here to start finding that special someone today! [IMAGE] Your in=
spirational quote for the day: [IMAGE] You are... [IMAGE] You are t=
he sun that brightens my whole life. You are the stars that comfort me th=
rough troublesome nights. You are the soft breeze that makes me laugh. =
You're the time spent which makes sadness pass. You're the earth below an=
d the sky above which fills my world with so much love. You are my hea=
rt, my essence and breath. You are my beginning; you are my death. You'=
re in my dreams and run through my mind. You're that angel who's one of a=
kind. From the words I've written I hope you see, you make up everythi=
ng that's a part of me. I love you more than these words can say. I lo=
ve you more with each forthcoming day. I love whether far or near. I lo=
ve you more with diminishing fear. ********************** Did you know, =
you can order printer ink now for 75% off and get a FREE GIFT? Order now at=
AllYouCanInk.com [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Check out our other inspirational co=
ntent: [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Let Me Give [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Life [IMAGE]=
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