Enron Mail

To:lynn.blair@enron.com, pdavidson@socalgas.com, kathleen.royal@elpaso.com
Subject:FW: Pipeline Interconnect Forum Information
Date:Wed, 12 Sep 2001 14:11:33 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Ladies!

I think I have now mentioned to all of you that it would be great to get
together on the Saturday prior to our meeting. My current thought is to
have the three of you travel together on the ferry from SF to Marin. I
would pick you up and we could visit the wine country for lunch. Sound like
a plan?

I'll provide more details later, but here is some important information:
The ferry leaves from SF at 10:45 a.m. (there are other times, but we
wouldn't make lunch).

So, what do you think? Doable?

Cheryl Snyder
Business Systems Management
California Gas Transmission
Pacific Gas & Electric Company
< -----Original Message-----
< From: Hudson, Todd
< Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2001 10:52 AM
< To: 'Maureen.riter@elpaso.com'; 'william.griffith@elpaso.com';
< 'adele.zuroff@elpaso.com'; 'kvanpelt@cmsenergy.com';
< 'ernesto.ochoa@elpaso.com'; 'Kathleen.Royal@elpaso.com';
< 'Lynn.blair@enron.com'; 'Sheila.Nacey@enron.com';
< 'randy.young@gulfsouthpl.com'; 'michael.d.rasmuson@williams.com';
< 'janie.k.nielsen@williams.com'; 'jarregu@mail.pnm.com';
< 'pdavidson@socalgas.com'; 'RIshikawa@socalgas.com';
< 'mark.gracey@elpaso.com'; 'tom_gwilliam@iroquois.com';
< 'jay.story@neg.pge.com'; 'Iris_g._king@dom.com';
< 'Michelle_M_Willis@reliantenergy.com'; 'tjwilliams@reliantenergy.com';
< 'csuarez@reliantenergy.com'; 'jhickman@nisource.com';
< 'jtyoung@nisource.com'; 'JStilwell@sppc.com'; 'gsuga@tuscaroragas.com';
< 'scotth@questar.com'; 'klburch@duke-energy.com';
< 'mlmccain@duke-energy.com'; 'ken_schubert@transcanada.com';
< 'dale.m.davis@williams.com'
< Cc: Snyder, Cheryl; Johnson, Kirk
< Subject: Pipeline Interconnect Forum Information
< Pipeline Interconnect Forum Participants:
< PG&E's California Gas Transmission has reserved a block of 30 rooms at the
< Sheraton at Fisherman's Wharf for the October Pipeline Interconnect Forum.
< The group rate is good for the night of Sunday, October 21, 2001.
< To make a reservation, call 888-627-7024. Identify yourself as a member of
< the Pipeline Interconnects Meeting for Sunday, October 21, 2001. Please
< make your reservation before October 1, 2001. After this date, the group
< rate may not be available.
< Hotel Information:
< Sheraton at Fisherman's Wharf
< 2500 Mason St.
< San Francisco, CA 94133
< Phone: 888-627-7024
< Group name: Pipeline Interconnects Meeting
< Date: Sunday, October 21, 2001
< Check in time: 3:00 PM
< Check out time: 12:00 PM
< Single/Double Occupancy: $199.00
< Additional Person: $20.00
< Reservation cut off date: October 1, 2001
< The price of the room includes a continental breakfast and transportation
< service to PG&E.
< Meeting Information:
< PG&E
< 245 Market Street
< Conference Rooms A/B
< San Francisco, CA
< Date: Monday, October 22, 2001
< Start time: 8:30 AM
< End time: 4:00 PM
< We are looking for participants who want to perform demonstrations of
< innovative services offered by their pipeline. Don't be shy - this is our
< opportunity to learn from each other! We are also still soliciting
< suggestions for the agenda. Here are a few ideas:
< * GISB 1.5 - Will the new standards affect your nomination schedules
< and processing times?
< * Hourly Scheduling - Is anyone planning to implement this and would
< like to perform a demo?
< * Balancing solutions for problems caused by timing issues in the
< Intraday 2 cycle.
< * 637 Segmentation - How is everybody addressing this?
< * GISB Capacity Release Standard 5.3.2 - possible scheduling issue.
< * Demonstrations of new services being offered by pipelines.
< * Cross Contract Ranking update.
< * Nominations & Contracting Systems best practices/benchmarking.
< * What is our purpose?
< Comments regarding these recommended agenda items are welcome.
< For those of you that confirmed for the Sunday welcome event, we will be
< sending out more details in the future.
< Todd Hudson
< PG&E
< California Gas Transmission
< 415.973.1386
< Attachments:
< Map from SFO airport to hotel
< <<...OLE_Obj...<<
< Map from SFO to PG&E
< <<...OLE_Obj...<<
< Map from Oakland airport to hotel
< <<...OLE_Obj...<<
< Map from Oakland airport to PG&E
< <<...OLE_Obj...<<