Enron Mail

Subject:Interconnect Forum Info
Cc:hudson@enron.com, tgh4@pge.com, pon@enron.com, wwp1@pge.com,snyder@enron.com, cxm2@pge.com, johnson@enron.com, mkj2@pge.com
Bcc:hudson@enron.com, tgh4@pge.com, pon@enron.com, wwp1@pge.com,snyder@enron.com, cxm2@pge.com, johnson@enron.com, mkj2@pge.com
Date:Tue, 9 Oct 2001 15:11:31 -0700 (PDT)

Interconnect Forum Participants:

We're looking forward to seeing you all soon, and thought we'd send our
latest agenda to you in case you would like to comment.

* What is our purpose?
* Nominations & Contracting Systems best practices/benchmarking.
* Balancing solutions for problems caused by timing issues in the
Intraday 2 cycle.
* Hourly Scheduling - presentation by Reliant Energy Gas Transmission
and discussion.
* GISB 1.5 discussion- Capacity Release standards, Title Transfer
Tracking, 637 Segmentation.

Some folks who had previously confirmed attendance have cancelled due to our
recent tragic events. Because of this, we would like to reconfirm your
attendance at this time. Your RSVP is requested by this Friday so that we
can continue our planning with the most current information (for Sunday and
Monday please).

Thank you,

Todd Hudson
Information Systems Analyst
California Gas Transmission
Pacific Gas & Electric Company