Enron Mail

To:toby.kuehl@enron.com, gerry.medeles@enron.com
Subject:RE: Email Notifications
Cc:lynn.blair@enron.com, bradley.holmes@enron.com, rick.dietz@enron.com,dennis.lee@enron.com, joe.hoang@enron.com
Bcc:lynn.blair@enron.com, bradley.holmes@enron.com, rick.dietz@enron.com,dennis.lee@enron.com, joe.hoang@enron.com
Date:Thu, 20 Sep 2001 06:23:12 -0700 (PDT)

would you please make sure that some one on your team adds this enhancement=
item to the TMS worklist and that some one is assigned to writing up the r=

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Kuehl, Toby =20
Sent:=09Friday, September 14, 2001 12:43 PM
To:=09Hoang, Joe; Kedwaii, Hasan
Cc:=09Blair, Lynn; Holmes, Bradley; Dietz, Rick; Medeles, Gerry; Lee, Denni=
Subject:=09RE: Email Notifications

Joe, Hasan,=20

Just a thought on this issue.......

In light of the concern from the customers that they are not receiving all =
of their cut notices, (which was a major topic up during the NNG winter ops=
meeting) we need to take a closer look at "why" the customers are not rece=
iving them. Is it the cache, wrong address, e-mail issues etc.... Is ther=
e something we do systematically to assure ourselves that these cut notific=
ations are hitting their destinations? I realize that once the e-mail is s=
ent we have no control of it and there are times when customers are having =
mail server problems, but I just want to make sure it is at least getting o=
ut of our shop. Can we make some kind of report that will generate on dema=
nd on what cut notifications were sent during the day? This way we could s=
ee if they were sent, and if the customer did not receive them, we could lo=
ok at a log file to verify if the cut notifications were generated and sent=
out via e-mail. We, meaning Dennis or I do not have the capability to kno=
w exactly what was sent unless we contact you. Again, this seems to be a m=
ajor concern to the customers. Let us know if you have any other ideas on =
this matter.



-----Original Message-----
From: =09Hoang, Joe =20
Sent:=09Friday, September 14, 2001 11:19 AM
To:=09Lee, Dennis; Kuehl, Toby; Kedwaii, Hasan
Cc:=09Blair, Lynn; Holmes, Bradley; Dietz, Rick; Medeles, Gerry
Subject:=09RE: Email Notifications

Unfortunately, the database audit trail does not handle deletion very well.
It will log when the record was added and modified. For deletes,
it only logs that the record was deleted, not when.
I cannot tell whether the entry for Jimmy Knight was deleted prior to the=
running of the process or not.
The only thing I can confirm is that we did send out the email to him
last night after the evening cycle. This contract was not cut during
the non-grid cycle this morning so no email went out.

However, currently only jmosher and tjones show up with the shipper cut no=
for this contract if it got cut during the Intraday 1 cycle.

To eliminate any doubts, I will change the process to totally recache contr=
act/contacts information
before processing email.


-----Original Message-----
From: =09Lee, Dennis =20
Sent:=09Friday, September 14, 2001 10:07 AM
To:=09Hoang, Joe; Kuehl, Toby; Kedwaii, Hasan
Cc:=09Blair, Lynn; Holmes, Bradley; Dietz, Rick
Subject:=09RE: Email Notifications

What about the changes for Jerry Knight?


-----Original Message-----
From: =09Hoang, Joe =20
Sent:=09Friday, September 14, 2001 10:05 AM
To:=09Lee, Dennis; Kuehl, Toby; Kedwaii, Hasan
Cc:=09Blair, Lynn; Holmes, Bradley; Dietz, Rick
Subject:=09RE: Email Notifications

According to the database audit trail, the contact record for Jimmy Mosher =
was created=20
on 9/13 , 9:11 am. However , that record did not have an email address on =
This morning, (9/14 9:02 am), this record was modified to include the email=
address of=20

For Theresa, the original contact record was created on 9/13 9:14 am withou=
t an email address.
This record was updated with tjones@oneok.com at 9/14 9:02 am.

The latest modification was made after we send out the notices this morning=
, which happened
at 8:55am. The next time that we process the emails, at the end of IDay1 =
cycle, around 1:30 pm,
these folks would receive their email notifications if this contract is cut=


-----Original Message-----
From: =09Lee, Dennis =20
Sent:=09Friday, September 14, 2001 9:21 AM
To:=09Kuehl, Toby; Hoang, Joe; Kedwaii, Hasan
Cc:=09Blair, Lynn; Holmes, Bradley; Dietz, Rick; Lee, Dennis
Subject:=09Email Notifications

I made several changes to Email notifications yesterday at our shipper's re=
quest. This morning, I received a call from the same shipper stating that =
the wrong person is still receiving the changes. I checked the system and =
the changes ARE in PLE. =20

Specifically, I made a change to LE # 13229 Oneok Midstream (NNG Contract N=
umber 105279) listing Theresa Jones and Jimmie Mosher to receive Bumping No=
tices and Shipper Cut Notices for NNG. Jerry Knight received the notificat=
ion this morning, Theresa and Jimmie did not. =20

The changes were made yesterday afternoon in PLE and CMS.

Does the cache need to be refreshed? Is there a system problem? Is there =
anything we can do to prevent this in the future?

It seems there are several occasions when I make changes in PLE that for wh=
atever reason do not make it to the downstream systems for customer notific=

Your prompt attention to this matter will be greatly appreciated.

Dennis P. Lee
Gas Logistics
(713) 853-1715