Enron Mail

Subject:RE: North Team Differential Pay
Cc:jean.blair@enron.com, nancy.callans@enron.com, kathy.washington@enron.com,patrick.barry@enron.com, jerry.wilkens@enron.com, karen.clapper@enron.com, diana.porter@enron.com, james.carr@enron.com, renee.perry@enron.com, shirley.walden@enron.com, ava.g
Bcc:jean.blair@enron.com, nancy.callans@enron.com, kathy.washington@enron.com,patrick.barry@enron.com, jerry.wilkens@enron.com, karen.clapper@enron.com, diana.porter@enron.com, james.carr@enron.com, renee.perry@enron.com, shirley.walden@enron.com, ava.g
Date:Wed, 10 Oct 2001 16:12:36 -0700 (PDT)

Ava, please add Jean Blair to the shift differential for Nov. 1. It is important that jean is
working the whole month either 10:00 to 7:00 or Shirley's shift to get the differential.
Therefore I would not envision Jean being the 6:30 a.m. or 8:30 a.m. person.
Thanks. Lynn

-----Original Message-----
From: Bryan, Randy
Sent: Monday, October 08, 2001 11:19 AM
To: Blair, Lynn
Cc: Blair, Jean; Bryan, Randy; Callans, Nancy; Washington, Kathy; Barry, Patrick; Wilkens, Jerry; Clapper, Karen; Porter, Diana; Carr, James; Perry, Renee; Walden, Shirley
Subject: RE: North Team Differential Pay

After further discussion, Jean Blair has volunteered to be the primary back up for Shirley and second evening person. This will change her shift hours from 10-7 to cover the core evening hours, provide additional support for Shirley, and be able to fill in for Shirley while she is on comp days or vacation. Will this be acceptable in order for Jean to receive the differential pay for working an evening shift? Thanks.

-----Original Message-----
From: Bryan, Randy
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 10:26 AM
To: Blair, Lynn; Kowalke, Terry; Buchanan, John
Cc: Wilkens, Jerry; Callans, Nancy; Washington, Kathy; Clapper, Karen; Porter, Diana; Carr, James; Walden, Shirley; Blair, Jean; Perry, Renee; Bryan, Randy
Subject: North Team Differential Pay

The team has decided that we only need one primary evening person, which is Shirley Walden. In the event that Shirley is out of the office, the team will use a rotational schedule between all team members to cover the evening shift. I have attached a tentative schedule for evening coverage. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thanks.

Randy Bryan
Market Services Representative
Northern Natural Gas Company
(713) 853-0438