Enron Mail

Subject:FW: Astro Tickets
Date:Tue, 3 Jul 2001 13:51:39 -0700 (PDT)

Ricki, FYI. I gave Christine the tickets for July 12th. I will get you the info from Janet for the 13th. Thanks. Lynn

-----Original Message-----
From: McEvoy, Christine
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 2:25 PM
To: Blair, Lynn
Cc: Minter, Tracy
Subject: RE: Astro Tickets


Tracy and I would like to go to the astros game Thursday, July 12. We will be taking 2 schedulers at Conoco, Diane Dluhos and Nick Rassinier.

Thank You,

-----Original Message-----
From: Blair, Lynn
Sent: Monday, July 02, 2001 4:29 PM
To: McEvoy, Christine; McDaniel, Janet
Cc: Blair, Lynn
Subject: FW: Astro Tickets

Janet and Christine, I need:

Which date each of you want:
Who you are taking (name)
Company Name they are representing

Thanks. Lynn

-----Original Message-----
From: Blair, Lynn
Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2001 2:03 PM
To: Aldinger, William; Collins, Marion; Coon, Galen; Cooper, Tim; Cramer, Lanny; Howard, Jack; Laferla, Lynda (Schoolcraft); Phillips, Mary; Rivers, Cynthia; Blair, Jean; Bryan, Randy; Callans, Nancy; Carr, James; Clapper, Karen; Perry, Katherine; Porter, Diana; Walden, Shirley; Washington, Kathy; Wilkens, Jerry; Adams, Jean; Benningfield, Robert; Dykes, Tangie; Forbish, Sherry; Greaney, Chris; Hibbard, Scott; Janzen, Randy; Linhart, Joe; McDaniel, Janet; Scurlock, Debra; Sturr, Kathy; Woodson, Harry; Giambrone, Laura; Hernandez, Bert; McEvoy, Christine; Miller, Beverly; Minter, Tracy; Mulligan, Amy; Ward, Linda
Cc: Blair, Lynn
Subject: Astro Tickets

I have 4 tickets for the Astros game on Thursday,July 12 and 4 tickets for
Friday, July 13th.

Does anyone have a customer they would like to take to the game either one
one of those nights? Please let me know ASAP.

Thanks. Lynn