Enron Mail

Subject:FW: Borderline #22 - November 1 OFO Changes
Date:Tue, 30 Oct 2001 14:28:22 -0800 (PST)

FYI. Wasn't sure if you saw this? Thanks. Lynn
-----Original Message-----
From: Johnson, Robert=20
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2001 3:32 PM
To: Muzzy, Charles T.; adrienneanderson@aec.ca; billhogue@aec.ca; keith.cla=
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y.com; nancycaldwell@alliant-energy.com; cachapman@hess.com; jpaganis@hess.=
com; delenh@chel.com; mdufort@utilicorp.com; Gprazan@tmvgas.com; gasmkt@br-=
inc.ca; jennifer_fahler@cargill.com; dan_collins@transcanadausa.com; mshule=
r@tmvgas.com; nsimpson@coral-energy.com; lisa_coultry@nexeninc.com; trevor_=
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, Peggy; Smith, Rhonda; Smith, George F.; julie.r.arbuckle@nspco.com; brend=
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american.com; jwhegg@midamerican.com; necks@epenergy.com; john_s_kamprud@re=
liantenergy.com; martinr@mdu.mdures.com; connellk@mdu.mdures.com; klempeld@=
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.Com; jrubsam@nicorinc.com; Carr, James; Blair, Jean; Bryan, Randy; Blair, =
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anier@oxy.com; roger_tisdale@oxy.com; david_garza@oxy.com; shawnette_sonnie=
r@oxy.com; tony.gee@mirant.com; mary.hanford@mirant.com; jcrumley@pcenergy.=
com; winifred_chew-semple@pcp.ca; srichman@pecorp.com; jslechta@pecorp.com;=
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a.ca; terrence.rose@et.pge.com; luedgl@prairielands.com; bsticka@reliantene=
rgy.com; terry_w_wilson@reliantenergy.com; jmailey@renaissance.ca; ljbc124@=
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eker@tmvgas.com; bhouston@usenergyservices.com; banderson@usenergyservices.=
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m; vlwonder@midamerican.com; su.klimack@cnpl.enbridge.com; tom.mah@cnpl.enb=
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eliantenergy.com; lindsay.foster@southernenergy.com; wendie_plautz@transcan=
adausa.com; mikemo@kfoc.net; remplelm@bp.com; ricelj2@bp.com; alexanders1@e=
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_cooper@transcanadausa.com; gbricker@sempratrading.com; shawn.parsell@xemkt=
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vor.mitchell@mirant.com; dana.ryan@elpaso.com; linda.gorman@elpaso.com; pau=
la.stevens@elpaso.com; mary.bartlett-armstrong@cinergy.com; alan.mclaurin@c=
inergy.com; paulette.jaworski@cinergy.com; tinag@cinergy.com; barbara.chean=
ey@elpaso.com; ccarley@reliantenergy.com; colin.verges@engageenergy.com; ka=
rr-ake@er.oge.com; lewje@pecorp.com; tammy.cabrera@elpaso.com; pwynn@bepc.c=
om; rdavis@bepc.com; wdedekam@bepc.com; leo_l_williams@reliantenergy.com; s=
haron.alexander@elpaso.com; reshma_rawji@keyspancanada.com; linda.richards@=
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c.ca; jooliverio@aec.ca; markwilson@aec.ca; Neville, Sue; wayne.templeton@e=
lpaso.com; pikfletcher@duke-energy.com; betsy_trimble@oxy.com; vargo@bethst=
eel.com; kapeterson@cmsenergy.com; jrohrig@utilicorp.com; Nielsen, Jeff; rb=
ryan@reliant.com; kadiano1@txu.com; jcolburn@utilicorp.com; erodenbu@utilic=
orp.com; wamiller@midamerican.com; dwillia2@midamerican.com; Begley, Mark; =
Johnson, Robert; Strom, Colin; Willimon, Ted
Subject: Borderline #22 - November 1 OFO Changes

No. 2001-22
October 30, 2001<?xml:namespace prefix =3D o ns =3D "urn:schemas-microsoft-=
com:office:office" /<


November 1 Tariff Change

Tariff revisions detailing and addressing the use of an Operational Flow Or=
der (OFO) on Northern Border, which were part of Northern Border's approved=
Park and Loan (PAL) filing, will become effective on November 1. Here is=
a brief overview of the upcoming changes.

Purpose of an OFO
An OFO will be used by Northern Border to 1) alleviate conditions that thre=
aten the integrity of the system, 2) maintain pipeline operations at pressu=
res required to provide efficient and reliable transportation service, 3) a=
ssure adequate system line pack, and 4) maintain service for all of Norther=
n Border's firm shippers. =20
An OFO will be treated as a tool of last resort. Northern Border will firs=
t attempt to utilize its system, its services (transportation and PAL), and=
if necessary, assistance of interconnecting systems to alleviate operation=
al problems before invoking its OFO tariff provisions.
Posting of an OFO Watch
If resolution of an operational problem is unlikely, such as when a daily o=
r cumulative OBA imbalance with an interconnected party is outside of a def=
ined tolerance range, Northern Border will post an OFO watch. Similar to a=
severe weather notice, the purpose of an OFO watch is to pre-alert shipper=
s and interconnecting systems to a location or area on Northern Border's sy=
stem in which underlying operational conditions could prompt the issuance o=
f an OFO.

OFO Issuance
Northern Border will issue an OFO if it is determined that an OFO watch has=
failed to serve as a catalyst for corrective action.=20
A Northern Border OFO will be as localized as is reasonably possible. Furt=
hermore, each OFO will be tailored to match the severity of the known or an=
ticipated problem being addressed.
OFO Impact
An OFO can result in either the curtailment of interruptible services and/o=
r the forced balancing of nominations and actual flows through the confirma=
tion process. =20
If service is reduced or interrupted due to an OFO, Northern Border will di=
rectly provide affected shippers, as soon as possible, a summary of the ser=
vice interruption that will include the operational variables that prompted=
such action. In addition, affected shippers will be notified of any imbal=
ances that require immediate resolution.
Routine status updates will be posted throughout the period in which the OF=
O is in effect.
Failure to Comply
When an OFO is issued, it is the responsibility of the affected shippers to=
make a good faith effort to comply. If such shippers fail to respond to t=
he OFO, or their response is insufficient to correct the problem, Northern =
Border may take further action including the curtailment of firm service or=
the immediate cash out of cumulative imbalances that are in excess of 10% =
of the Historical Flow Quantity.
Northern Border will not be liable for any costs incurred by a shipper in c=
omplying with or be exposed to any damages that result from an interruption=
in service due to an OFO.
Impact of OFO Tariff Changes on Interconnects
FERC Order No. 637 requires that pipelines "take all reasonable actions to =
minimize the issuance and adverse impact of Operational Flow Orders (OFOs).=
" Northern Border recognizes that maintaining daily and cumulative OBA imb=
alances with its interconnected parties within reasonable tolerances levels=
is critical in meeting such obligation across the grid. Consequently, the=
November 1 tariff changes includes language which define what is an accept=
able tolerance range on a Northern Border OBA imbalance.
To serve as a benchmark, Northern Border has already begun calculating a Hi=
storical Flow Quantity (HFQ) for each point of interconnection on Northern =
Border's system. The HFQ is the lesser of the average daily scheduled quan=
tity for the previous 15 consecutive Gas Days or the actual daily flow quan=
tity for such time period. =20
On November 1, the default cumulative OBA imbalance tolerance level for a g=
iven interconnect on Northern Border's system will be +/- 10% of the point'=
s HFQ. If such approach fails to meet the needs of an interconnected part=
y, Northern Border's tariff does permit the use of an alternative tolerance=
level at a given point of interconnect as long as it has been mutually agr=
eed to both OBA parties.
Furthermore, the daily OBA swings at interconnects on Northern Border that =
are on pressure control will also be monitored more closely; the default da=
ily OBA imbalance tolerance level will be +/- 5% of the daily scheduled qua=
ntity. Once again, Northern Border's tariff does permit deviation from thi=
s "standardized" daily tolerance if an alternative method is mutually accep=
table to the OBA parties.=20
For those who would like to initiate discussions on establishing OBA imbala=
nce tolerance levels with Northern Border that deviate from the defaults de=
scribed above, please contact Scott Coburn at (402) 398.7760.