Enron Mail

To:john.buchanan@enron.com, terry.kowalke@enron.com
Subject:FW: Conoco will begin taping conversations
Date:Tue, 4 Sep 2001 07:21:12 -0700 (PDT)

=09FYI. Thansk. Lynn

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Lee, Dennis =20
Sent:=09Tuesday, September 04, 2001 8:43 AM
To:=09Adams, Jean; Aldinger, William; Bastida, Nancy; Benningfield, Robert;=
Berger, Larry; Betancourt, Ramona ; Black, Legale ; Blair, Jean; Blair, Ly=
nn; Bodnar, Michael; Bowers, Janet; Brostad, Karen; Brown, Elizabeth; Bryan=
, Randy; Buchanan, John; Buehler, Craig; Cabrera, Reyna; Callans, Nancy; Ca=
rr, James; Carrillo, Alma; Carter, Zuela; Cherry, Paul; Clapper, Karen; Col=
lins, Marion; Coon, Galen; Corman, Shelley; Cormier, Martha; Cramer, Lanny;=
Dasilva, Esther; Davis, Kasey; Davis, Larry; Dietz, Rick; Draemer, Mary ; =
Dunnaway, Tina; Eldridge, Dale; Floyd, Jodie; Forbish, Sherry; Garcia, Ava;=
Giambrone, Laura; Gracey, Rosemary; Greaney, Chris; Green, Alma; Hanagriff=
, Richard; Hernandez, Bert; Hottap HelpDesk; Howard, Jack; Janzen, Randy; J=
ohnson, Alice; Kowalke, Terry; Laferla, Lynda ; Lee, Dennis; Linhart, Joe; =
Matheson, Maggie; McDaniel, Janet; McEvoy, Christine; Medeles, Gerry; Mille=
r, Beverly; Minter, Tracy; Mulligan, Amy; Nacey, Sheila; Perez, Kim; Perry,=
Renee; Phillips, Mary; Porter, Diana; Rivers, Cynthia; Scott, Donna; Scurl=
ock, Debra; Sheffield, Sandy; Steele, Patricia; Studebaker, James ; Sturr, =
Kathy; Threet, Kay; Trevino, Linda; Vasquez, Josue; Volpone, Ray; Walden, S=
hirley; Ward, Linda; Washington, Kathy; Wilkens, Jerry; Woodson, Harry; Zad=
ow, Raetta
Subject:=09Conoco will begin taping conversations

We received the following communication Dated August 29, 2001 from Conoco:

"In an effort to improve the quality of our services and consistent with pr=
actices, Conoco Gas and Power Marketing, a division of Conoco, Inc. has ins=
talled equipment to record telephone conversations with our customers and t=
rading partners. These recordings will benefit us all by verifying the acc=
uracy of our verbal agreements and reducing the chance for miscommunication=

Working in this fast-paced environment, many of you are already familiar wi=
th recording transactions conducted by telephone. Recording will occur aut=
omatically and continue throughout the conversation. There will be no noti=
ce or recording indicator. =20

Please call me if you have any questions about this arrangement. We apprec=
iate your business ant the opportunity to serve you.


Jerry Wheatley"

Dennis P. Lee
Gas Logistics
(713) 853-1715