Enron Mail

To:g..stage@enron.com, stephen.herber@enron.com
Subject:FW: Mt. Jesus !!!
Date:Thu, 4 Oct 2001 13:44:19 -0700 (PDT)

FYI. Thanks. Lynn

-----Original Message-----
From: Graham, Charlie
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 4:29 PM
To: Blair, Lynn; Kile, Rick; Brickman, Ronnie; Howard, Randy; Moseley, Debbie; Walton, Mark; Fancler, Dan
Cc: Rice, Randy; Pribble, Dan; Cessac, Kenneth; Neubauer, Dave
Subject: Mt. Jesus !!!

Dave Neubauer received a voice mail message today from Terry Spencer in which Terry stated that ONEOK will be forwarding the withheld mmbtu reimbursement payments for the condensate removed from Northern's Mt. Jesus drip. Dan, please notify the rest of us when payment is received.

As an aside, note that last week CP Energy and Touchstone Trucking met with our Ron Brickman and others after identifying themselves as, a new condensate marketer and drip hauler retained by ONEOK to begin collecting the Mt. Jesus, Fowler, Sublette locations. It is our understanding that these folks were brought in by Oneok on a trial basis to collect drip at locations that have been a "problem" for/between Oneok and its current hauler.

Charlie Graham
Phone 402-398-7061
Fax 402-398-7122
OMA 0629