Enron Mail

To:larry.berger@enron.com, lynn.blair@enron.com, michael.bodnar@enron.com,john.buchanan@enron.com, terry.kowalke@enron.com, raetta.zadow@enron.com, patrick.barry@enron.com, jean.blair@enron.com, randy.bryan@enron.com, nancy.callans@enron.com, james.car
Subject:FW: Robert Bryan
Date:Fri, 28 Sep 2001 13:31:35 -0700 (PDT)

FYI. Thought you would be interested since most of you have worked with Robert over the
years with the NBPL interconnects. Thanks. Lynn
-----Original Message-----
From: Coburn, Scott
Sent: Friday, September 28, 2001 1:06 PM
To: Harrill, Billi; Olofson, Sandy; Sova, Sue; Willemyns, Laurie; Willimon, Ted; Johnson, Robert; Strom, Colin; Begley, Mark; Weakly, Judith; Freeman, John; Boston, Jerry; Burns, Christopher; Charbonneau, Loren; Schneider, Leon; Swanson, Anita; Broady, Geri; Neppl, Ray; Steffes, Darla; Heckerman, Bambi; Warner, Jody; Patterson, Geneva; Brooks, Michael R; Miller, Paul; Meyer, Mitch; Fonda, Bill; Shepherd, Richard; Nielsen, Jeff; Shade, Marge; Wakefield, Karen; Wickham, Marilyn; Behrens, Alan; Blair, Lynn; Holmes, Bradley
Subject: Robert Bryan

Robert Bryan has elected to leave Enron as of the end of September. Consequently, his last day with us will be today.

He has accepted a job offer with Reliant Energy in Houston and will start working for them as of Monday. Robert will be closely working with two familiar names - Tom Acton and Leon Williams. We wish him well.

Robert shared his intentions with me earlier this month. However, he had asked that I refrain from announcing his departure until everything was finalized on Reliant's end. With all that is going on in the world, this process took a bit longer than both Robert and I expected. And as a result, I was unable to communicate Robert's decision until now.

I will immediately start the process of filling the vacancy created by the loss of Robert. My current desire is to fill it as an entry-level.
