Enron Mail

Subject:Fw: Northern v. ONEOK/Meeting Thursday to discuss ONEOK's letter of
Date:Thu, 18 Oct 2001 12:28:36 -0700 (PDT)

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Fyi. Lynn
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld (www.BlackBerry.net)

-----Original Message-----
From: Davis, Britt <Britt.Davis@ENRON.com<
To: Lowry, Phil <Phil.Lowry@ENRON.com<; Miller, Mary Kay <Mary.Kay.Miller@ENRON.com<; Neubauer, Dave <Dave.Neubauer@ENRON.com<; Graham, Charlie <Charlie.Graham@ENRON.com<; Darveaux, Mary <Mary.Darveaux@ENRON.com<; Dornan, Dari <Dari.Dornan@ENRON.com<; Sturn, John <John.Sturn@ENRON.com<; Kile, Rick <Rick.Kile@ENRON.com<; Thompson, Charlie <Charlie.Thompson@ENRON.com<; Frasier, Bill <Bill.Frasier@ENRON.com<; Anderson, Gary E. <Gary.Anderson@ENRON.com<; Herber, Stephen <Stephen.Herber@ENRON.com<; Blair, Lynn <Lynn.Blair@ENRON.com<; Dietz, Rick <Rick.Dietz@ENRON.com<; Fossum, Drew <Drew.Fossum@ENRON.com<; Cappiello, Deborah <Deb.Cappiello@ENRON.com<
CC: Carrier, Lee <Lee.Carrier@ENRON.com<
Sent: Wed Oct 17 09:40:53 2001
Subject: Northern v. ONEOK/Meeting Thursday to discuss ONEOK's letter of October 16 to Dave Neubauer

Ladies & Gentlemen:

At Dave Neubauer's request, I am going to schedule a meeting for tomorrow to which you are all invited (and if I have left out a necessary participant, please let me know) to formulate a response to ONEOK's letter of October 16 to Dave (a copy of which I will circulate to you). It has to do with the proposed special test. I will have my a/a, Lee, circulate copies of (a) Dave's letter of October 5 and (b) ONEOK's reponse of October 16 to you all immediately.

Given that so many schedules are involved, I went ahead and picked a time that both Drew and Dave have open: 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m tomorrow, Thursday, October 18. Debbie has reserved the video conference rooms in 49C2 and in Omaha. Lee will get a call-in conference number for anyone that can't attend in person, and e-mail it out to you.

I appreciate your patience.

Many thanks.
