Enron Mail

Subject:RE: An Invitation to a Contracts & Capacity Release Project
Date:Tue, 6 Nov 2001 15:28:47 -0800 (PST)

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X-To: Lenderman, Alicia </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=Alender<
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=09Alicia, thank you very much for the invite, but I will not be able to ma=
ke it. I know it
=09will be fun time for everyone. Thanks. Lynn

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Lenderman, Alicia =20
Sent:=09Tuesday, November 06, 2001 10:45 AM
To:=09McCarty, Danny; Hayes, Robert; Boatman, Jack; Cady, Rachel; Medeles, =
Gerry; Laferla, Lynda ; Betancourt, Ramona ; Aldinger, William; Matheson, M=
aggie; Brostad, Karen; Steele, Patricia; Eldridge, Dale; Lee, Dennis; Basti=
da, Nancy; Carrillo, Alma; Nacey, Sheila; Blair, Lynn
Subject:=09FW: An Invitation to a Contracts & Capacity Release Project Cele=

Just a reminder .. if you haven't rsvp for the Casino Party, I will still b=
e taking them today. Thanks.
-----Original Message-----
From: =09Sawyer, Lisa =20
Sent:=09Thursday, October 25, 2001 11:04 AM
To:=09Hotte, Steve; Corman, Shelley; Horton, Stanley; McCarty, Danny; Haysl=
ett, Rod; Barnes, Caroline; Hayes, Robert; Boatman, Jack; Cady, Rachel; Die=
tz, Rick; Holmes, Bradley; Gigliotti, Mark; Licciardo, Jeanne; Brady, Andy;=
Trevino, Linda; Brown, Elizabeth; Kedwaii, Hasan; Ayres, John; Chua, Adria=
n; Dasmohapatra, Shishir; Duff, David; Dunnaway, Tina; Kurniawan, Hendra; M=
cCullough, Michael M; Nimmo, Stephen ; Plant, Steve; Resendez, Benito; Rioj=
as, Gary; Swanson, Steven; Tsai, Li; Vanavech, Sue; Villamayor, Federico; W=
alker, Allen ; Feng, Wayne; Hoang, Joe; Kemp, Rona ; Herrmann, Jill; Ramir=
ez, Jose A; Lowry, Jennifer ; Yuan, Charlie ; Hill, Larry; Wurtz, Christoph=
er; Gilchrist, Lisa; Nguyen, Cuong; Gutman, Jim; Waters, Margaret; Ekperigi=
n, Eyituoyo; Stacy, Don; Zhang, Richard; Kohl, William (Bill); Lehn, Terry;=
Mysyk, Andriy; Saffer, Lori; Medeles, Gerry; Laferla, Lynda ; Betancourt, =
Ramona ; Draemer, Mary ; Studebaker, James ; Aldinger, William; Washington,=
Kathy; Matheson, Maggie; Brostad, Karen; Steele, Patricia; Carter, Zuela; =
Eldridge, Dale; Lee, Dennis; Bastida, Nancy; Carrillo, Alma; Nacey, Sheila;=
Blair, Lynn; Lenderman, Alicia; Villarreal, Lillian
Subject:=09An Invitation to a Contracts & Capacity Release Project Celebrat=

Hope you all can join us!
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