Enron Mail

Subject:RE: November 2001 Transwestern Customer Meeting.
Date:Wed, 19 Sep 2001 05:07:21 -0700 (PDT)

=09Rick, no problem, I think it would be good to have at least one of them =
=09Thanks. Lynn

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Dietz, Rick =20
Sent:=09Tuesday, September 18, 2001 11:14 AM
To:=09Blair, Lynn
Subject:=09FW: November 2001 Transwestern Customer Meeting.

We may receive some questions about the new contract management system and =
capacity release system that is being implemented on January 15th for TW. =
I believe it would be beneficial to have Michelle or Dennis attend the meet=
ings and "mingle" with their customers. What do you think?

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Cormier, Martha =20
Sent:=09Tuesday, September 18, 2001 11:10 AM
To:=09Dietz, Rick
Subject:=09RE: November 2001 Transwestern Customer Meeting.

Michelle Lokay forwarded this to me because she believes that I should atte=
nd. Let me know if me or Dennis will be attending.


-----Original Message-----
From: =09Lokay, Michelle =20
Sent:=09Tuesday, September 18, 2001 10:40 AM
To:=09Cormier, Martha
Subject:=09FW: November 2001 Transwestern Customer Meeting.

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Garcia, Ava =20
Sent:=09Monday, September 17, 2001 5:16 PM
To:=09Adele Zuroff; Amy Gold; Becky Wells; Beth Dahncke; Bill Lyons; Bob Ma=
ttice; Bob Woody; Brad Brigham; Candace Karpakis; Carla Johnson; Cathy Bulf=
; Charles Hough; Cheri Weyman; Chris Kim; Chuck Thompson; Cindy Doeschot; C=
indy White; Corky Briscoe; Corny Boersma; Craig Carley; Craig Lipke; Dabid =
Taylor; Darla Hogan; Darren Brown; David Lanning; Dawnell Pace; Debbie Fort=
man; Dennis Boucher; Diana Dechilly; Diane Dluhos; Doug Allen; Ed Meaders; =
Elsa Johnson; Elsa Johnston; Evans, Ted; Gary Raines; Gina Schwartz; Grace =
Elkassed; Henry Robledo; J.H. Cathey; Jaime Ford; James Tabacco; Jan Jonike=
r; Janette Arreguin; Jason Kelm; Jay Glaubitz; Jeff Goforth; Jeramy Gaskins=
; Jill Roberson; Jim Vallillo; Jim Wade; Jody Oberman; Joe Cammarano; John =
cogan; John Lopez; Jorge Rojas; Josh Chapa; Julia Clevenger; Julie Burton; =
Julie Reames; Karen Dopson; Karen Swett; Kathy Royal; Kenny Holdridge; Kevi=
n Foley; Kirk Ketcherside; Kristi Birdsall; Lad Lorenz; Larry Black; Larry =
Kelly; Leane Catron; Linda Miller; Lindsay McMurray; Mark Fenton; Mark Harm=
on; Mark Kraus; Maryanne Schneider; MaryKay Olson; Mat Martindale; Mike Dav=
is; Mike Keen; Mike Odonnell; Miller, Stephanie; Natalie Curtis; Nick Thoma=
s; Pam Steigerwald; Pat Davidson; Patrick Abercrombie; Sullivan, Patti; Pau=
line Wah; Penny Barry; Phil Richarson; Rex Bigler; Rich Hall; Richard Moore=
; Rick Monccleg; Rick Wadle; Rob Cooper; Ron Youell; Russ Boone; Sally Pren=
tice; Sandy Hawk; Sara Davis; Scott Harrison; Scott Walker; Sean Breen; Sha=
ron Park; Sheryl Moronas; Sissy Jenkins; Stacey Pogue; Stepanie Katz; Susan=
Coppock; Susan Jones; Suzie Horton; Teresa Murray; Terri Dickers; Terry Re=
yna; Theresa Cline; Thompson; Tim Wickersham; Tom Carlson; Tom Simpson; Tom=
my Thompson; Van Johnson; Veronica Esparza; Waymon Pon; Wayne Hawkins; Will=
Van Der Boom; Williams
Cc:=09Blair, Lynn; Scott, Donna; Corman, Shelley; Donoho, Lindy; Watson, Ki=
mberly; Lindberg, Lorraine; Lohman, TK; Lokay, Michelle; Schoolcraft, Darre=
ll; Buchanan, John; Kowalke, Terry; Dietz, Rick; Giambrone, Laura; Hernande=
z, Bert; McEvoy, Christine; Miller, Chris L; Minter, Tracy; Mulligan, Amy; =
Ward, Linda
Subject:=09November 2001 Transwestern Customer Meeting.

You have been selected to attend the Transwestern customer meeting in Novem=
ber. Review the attachment below for details. Please indicate whether you=
will attend or will not attend in a email to ava.garcia@enron.com or phone=
at 713-853-5842.

Hope to see you in November.

Ava Garcia

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