Enron Mail

Subject:RE: PEP suggested reviewers
Date:Wed, 28 Nov 2001 04:23:37 -0800 (PST)

Randy, in our meeting yesterday, I told people they could also give unsolicited feedback on any one on
the team and encouraged them to do so. I will talke with Diana to get some feedback from her without
her having to fill out additional forms if that sounds OK with you. Thanks. Lynn

-----Original Message-----
From: Bryan, Randy
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 7:25 PM
To: Blair, Lynn
Subject: RE: PEP suggested reviewers

Lynn, I have no problem with Shirley, however, since she has began working from home, I have had limited interaction with her due to our work schedules. She mostly works with the late person (Jean) and the early person (Jerry). Therefore, if it is at all possible to choose someone else from the team that I work with more closely, I would appreciate it. Thanks.


-----Original Message-----
From: Blair, Lynn
Sent: Tue 11/27/2001 6:27 PM
To: Bryan, Randy
Subject: PEP suggested reviewers

Randy, I had to change one of your reviewers from Diana Porter to Shirley Walden. Please
let me know if you have any concerns. Thanks. Lynn