Enron Mail

To:dennis.lee@enron.com, john.buchanan@enron.com
Subject:RE: Shipper Lists
Date:Mon, 9 Jul 2001 08:46:02 -0700 (PDT)

=09Dennis, John has been working with IT on a Forest and Trees issue which =
was fixed
=09this weekend. You might want to check and see if it is the same problem=
you are having.
=09Thanks. Lynn

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Lee, Dennis =20
Sent:=09Monday, July 09, 2001 8:49 AM
To:=09Adams, Jean; Aldinger, William; Barry, Mike; Bastida, Nancy; Benningf=
ield, Robert; Berg, Vicki; Berger, Larry; Miller, Beverly; Blair, Jean; Bla=
ir, Lynn; Bodnar, Michael; Bollinger, Joni; Brostad, Karen; Brown, Elizabet=
h; Bryan, Randy; Buchanan, John; Buehler, Craig; Burleson, Bob; Callans, Na=
ncy; Carr, James; Carrillo, Alma; Carter, Zuela; Cherry, Paul; Clapper, Kar=
en; Collins, Marion; Coon, Galen; Corman, Shelley; Cormier, Martha; Cramer,=
Lanny; Davis, Larry; Dietz, Rick; Donoho, Lindy; Dykes, Tangie; Eldridge, =
Dale; Floyd, Jodie; Forbish, Sherry; Garcia, Ava; Giambrone, Laura; Greaney=
, Chris; Green, Alma; Hanagriff, Richard; Hernandez, Bert; Tap Help Desk Ho=
t (E-mail); Howard, Jack; Janzen, Randy; Johanson, Tim; Kowalke, Terry; Laf=
erla, Lynda (Schoolcraft); Lagerstrom, Karen; Lee, Dennis; Lindberg, Lorrai=
ne; Lindley, Hilda; Linhart, Joe; Lohman, TK; Lokay, Michelle; McCarran, Pe=
nny; McDaniel, Janet; McEvoy, Christine; Mercaldo, Vernon; Minter, Tracy; M=
ulligan, Amy; Nacey, Sheila; Nielsen, Jeff; Penkava, Loren; Perry, Katherin=
e; Phillips, Mary; Porter, Diana; Pritchard, John; Rivers, Cynthia; Roobaer=
t, Preston ; Scurlock, Debra; Semin, Frank; Sheffield, Sandy; Steele, Patri=
cia; Stevens, Bob; Sturr, Kathy; Trevino, Linda; Valley, Lisa; Vasquez, Jos=
ue; Walden, Shirley; Ward, Linda; Washington, Kathy; Watson, Kimberly; Wilk=
ens, Jerry; Williams, John; Woodson, Harry; Zadow, Raetta
Cc:=09Stovall, Glenn
Subject:=09Shipper Lists

You may have noticed that you have not received updated shipper lists for t=
he last few weeks. When the conversion was made to Windows 2000, Forest & =
Trees quit working. Therefore, I am unable to produce the reports until th=
is has been resolved. =20

I am working with Linda Trevino and Glen Stovall to fix the problem as soon=
as possible. =20

In the meantime, PLE is being updated to reflect changes as I receive them.

Dennis P. Lee
Gas Logistics
(713) 853-1715