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Gary is right. But if NGTS is the only contract, they will take the swing.=
Or is Pioneer saying they want to take the swing? If Pioneer wants to do the swing, maybe they could= do a contract to cover the swing volume only? Karen and Larry, what do you think? Thanks. = Lynn Gary Spraggins 06/01/2001 12:32 PM To:=09Nancy Callans/ET&S/Enron@ENRON cc:=09Janet McDaniel/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Zuela Carter/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Linda= Trevino/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Lynn Blair/ET&S/Enron@ENRON=20 Subject:=09Re: Request for OBA at South Texas Team POI =20 We do not have OBA at non DAS points this may fall under small volume meter= s, I will check. gary Nancy Callans 06/01/2001 11:08 AM To:=09Janet McDaniel/ET&S/Enron@ENRON cc:=09Zuela Carter/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Gary Spraggins/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Linda= Trevino/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Lynn Blair/ET&S/Enron@ENRON=20 Subject:=09Request for OBA at South Texas Team POI NGTS called me yesterday morning indicating that they were buying gas from = Pioneer Gas Pipeline Company and receipting it at POI 401 (Gains Co. #2) fo= r 6/1/01. NGTS indicated that Pioneer Gas Pipeline Company wanted to buy b= ack 100 Dths of this gas at POI 78163 and the system would not allow it. I= pulled up POI 78163 only to discover that it was not a legitimate POI on N= NG and that POI 401 was a receipt POI only. I then went to Gary Spraggins = to verify if their was a POI that NGTS could delivery gas off NNG for Pione= er's compressor. Received a call from Tim Green and Cindy White at Pioneer Gas Pipeline Comp= any (915) 655-3300 explaining Pioneer sent in an agreement form to create a= new interconnect to take gas off NNG and mailed NNG a check to cover this = expense. I t went to Linda Trevino to see where we stood with this new ag= reement. Linda indicated that she had not activated POI 78163 as she did n= ot have a reference contract. I called Pioneer and they indicated that NGT= S would be the only supplier at this POI. I called Darren Brown at NGTS an= d he informed me that he would be using contract 107903 to deliver gas to P= ioneer's compressor starting 6/1/01. I gave the contract information to Li= nda and she activated the POI and it defaulted to active confirmation. I c= alled Tim at Pioneer and asked him if "active confirmation" was what he rea= lly needed and he indicated that he would prefer "confirmation by exception= ". I had him fill out "NNG Request for Operator Choice Form" and fax to me= . Linda changed the operator option for Pioneer to reflect "confirmation = by exception". =20 Tim Green asked if they could set up an OBA at POI 78163 as the compressor = would not necessarily use the 100 Dths nomed daily? I had him send an e:ma= il request to Zula Carter and myself indicating POI 78163 be added to the O= BA at POI 401 Gains County #2. This e:mail request must be approved and Z= ula Carter will advise us when this takes place. I got involved in this as I schedule for NGTS although I realize POI 401 is= on the So TX Team and assigned to Janet. If I you have any questions feel free to call me. Nancy ---------------------- Forwarded by Nancy Callans/ET&S/Enron on 06/01/2001 = 09:12 AM --------------------------- Cindy White <cwhite@pioneergas.com< on 05/31/2001 03:59:44 PM To:=09"'nancy.callans@enron.com'" <nancy.callans@enron.com< cc:=09"'zula.carter@enron.com'" <zula.carter@enron.com<=20 Subject:=09Request for OBA This is to request that point 78163 be added to OBA for point 103253 Gaines County #2 401, effective June 1, 2001 Pioneer Gas Pipeline, Inc. Phil Allard If you have any questions please reply to cwhite@pioneergas.com or call me at 915-655-3300 Thank you! <Embedded StdOleLink<