Enron Mail

To:julie.armstrong@enron.com, nancy.bagot@enron.com, martha.benner@enron.com,lynn.blair@enron.com, sharon.brown@enron.com, janet.butler@enron.com, deborah.cappiello@enron.com, alma.carrillo@enron.com, janet.cones@enron.com, bill.cordes@enron.com, shell
Subject:FERC Order on Reporting CA gas sales
Date:Thu, 26 Jul 2001 06:51:46 -0700 (PDT)

Attached is the Commission's "Order Imposing Reporting Requirement on Natural Gas Sales to California Market," which was issued late yesterday.

In the order, the Commission finds that if does have the authority to request the information as set out in the May 18 order proposing the requirements.

The information is to cover August 1, 2001 through Sept. 30, 2002 (the end date coincides with the end of the Commission's mitigation plan re: wholesal prices in California and the West).
Specific info gas sellers and LDCs file concernign purchase and sales transactions is exempt from FOIA disclosure
Also, respondents may request privileged treatment of "other portions of their responses subject to the.....Commission's regulations"
Some of the questions have been modified based on comments received based on comments received on the May 18th proposal
Transaction by transaction data is required; FERC will aggregate the information
The information request will NOT be expanded beyond California
FERC is providing the reporting format as a data template to be available on RIMS.

The order is attached here, and the appendix listing specific questions is below.



Answers to all questions below that require a statement of volumes should set forth the requested volumes on an MMBtu basis.

For Interstate Natural Gas Pipelines:

1. On a daily basis for the period August 1, 2001 to January 31, 2002, please provide the following information for each contract for transportation to the California border:

a. the transaction or contract identification number;
b. the terms and effective date of the contract;
c. contract demand by shipper;
d. the daily scheduled volume by shipper;
e. the daily nominated volume by shipper;
f. the daily delivered volume by shipper;
g. whether the service is firm or interruptible;
h. the rate charged in $$/MMbtu;
i. primary receipt and delivery points associated with the contract; and,
j. whether the shipper is affiliated with the pipeline.

Along with the hard copy response, please provide a CD-ROM containing the response to this question. Please provide this information in Excel version 97 or 2000 or comma separated value (CSV) format.

2. For the period August 1, 2001 to January 31, 2002, please provide the following information for each capacity release transaction for transportation to the California border:

a. the transaction or contract identification number, or offer number;
(This number should tie to contract number reported in Question 1,a., above)
b. the name of the releasing shipper;
c. the name of the acquiring shipper;
d. the contract quantity;
e. the acquiring shipper's contract rate; and,
f. the releasing shipper's contract rate.

Along with the hard copy response, please provide a CD-ROM containing the response to this question. Please provide this information in Excel version 97 or 2000 or comma separated value (CSV) format.
Docket No. RM01-9-000 - 6 -

3. On a daily basis for the period August 1, 2001 to January 31, 2002, please provide the following system information:

a. the maximum peak day design capacity;
b the daily maximum flowing capacity;
c the daily scheduled system volume;
d. the daily delivered system volume;
e. the daily scheduled volume at each California delivery point;
f. an explanation of each instance that the daily maximum flowing capacity is below the maximum peak day design capacity; and,
g. an explanation of any daily variance in the maximum flowing capacity.

Along with the hard copy response, please provide a CD-ROM containing the response to this question. Please provide this information in Excel version 97 or 2000 or comma separated value (CSV) format.

4. On a daily basis for May 1999 and May 2000, please provide the following system information:

a. the maximum peak day design capacity;
b the daily maximum flowing capacity;
c the daily scheduled system volume;
d. the daily delivered system volume, and,
e. the daily scheduled volume at each California delivery point.

Along with the hard copy response, please provide a CD-ROM containing the response to this question. Please provide this information in Excel version 97 or 2000 or comma separated value (CSV) format.

For Sellers of Natural Gas to the California Market:

1. State whether the seller is affiliated with an interstate or intrastate natural gas pipeline company or local distribution company, and, if so, give the name and address the affiliated company.

2. On a daily basis for the period August 1, 2001 to January 31, 2002, please provide the following information for each contract in which you sold natural gas and the gas is physically delivered at points on the California border or in California:
a. the sales contract's identification number;
b. the term of the sales contract (beginning and ending dates);
c. the name of the buyer identifying whether the buyer is an energy marketer, local distribution company, or end user;
d. the volumes sold (on a MMBtu basis);
e. the price paid by buyer, and
f. whether the price is fixed or indexed (identify the index).

Along with the hard copy response, please provide a CD-ROM containing the response to this question. Please provide this information in Excel version 97 or 2000 or comma separated value (CSV) format.

3. For each sales contract, identify separately the transportation component and the gas commodity component of the price. If the sales contract specifies the transportation component of the price, the seller shall report that amount. If the sales contract only includes an overall price, then the seller shall report the transportation cost it incurred in moving the gas from the point where it purchased the gas to the point where it sold the gas and how it determined that amount. If the sale was made at the same point where the gas was purchased, and there is no transportation element in the sale, the seller shall respond "n.a."

Along with the hard copy response, please provide a CD-ROM containing the response to this question. Please provide this information in Excel version 97 or 2000 or comma separated value (CSV) format.

4. For the period August 1, 2001 to January 31, 2002, please provide the following information on a daily basis for each of your gas purchase contracts associated with the sales contracts you identified in response to Question 2:

a. the purchase contract's identification number;
b. the pipeline upstream of the point of delivery; and the pipeline downstream of the point of delivery;
c. the term of the purchase contract (beginning and ending dates);
d. the daily volumes (on a MMBtu basis) purchased;
e. the price paid;
f. whether the price is fixed or indexed (identify the index),
g . identify the entity from whom the responder purchased the gas; and,
h. identify the point where responder took title to the gas.

Along with the hard copy response, please provide a CD-ROM containing the response to this question. Please provide this information in Excel version 97 or 2000 or comma separated value (CSV) format.

For Local Distribution Companies In California:

1. Provide your system's gas sales and transportation requirements, (i.e, contract demands and daily demands) by core, non-core, electric generation, and non-utility loads. Provide a break down of these demands by type of service (e.g., sales and transportation) and quality of service(firm/interruptible).

Along with the hard copy response, please provide a CD-ROM containing the response to this question. Please provide this information in Excel version 97 or 2000 or comma separated value (CSV) format.

2. On a daily basis for the period August 1, 2001 to January 31, 2002, please provide the following information for each contract the local distribution company has with a transportation customer:

a. contract demand by shipper;
b. the daily scheduled volume by shipper;
c. the daily delivered volume by shipper;
d. whether the service is firm or interruptible;
e. the rate charged; and,
f. receipt and delivery points associated with the contract.

Along with the hard copy response, please provide a CD-ROM containing the response to this question. Please provide this information in Excel version 97 or 2000 or comma separated value (CSV) format.

3. On a daily basis for the period August 1, 2001 to January 31, 2002, please provide the following information for each contract the local distribution company has with a sales customer:

a. the contract demand by purchaser;
b. the term of the sales contract (beginning and ending dates);
c. the volumes (on a MMBtu basis) sold; and,
d. the price paid by purchaser.

Along with the hard copy response, please provide a CD-ROM containing the response to this question. Please provide this information in Excel version 97 or 2000 or comma separated value (CSV) format.

4. On a daily basis for the period August 1, 2001 to January 31, 2002, please provide the following information for each gas purchase contract:

a. the purchase contract's identification number;
b. the term of the purchase contract (beginning and ending dates);
c. the volumes (on a MMBtu basis) bought;
d. the price paid;
e. whether the price is fixed or indexed (identify the index); and,
f. identify the point where (name of local distribution company) took title to the gas.

Along with the hard copy response, please provide a CD-ROM containing the response to this question. Please provide this information in Excel version 97 or 2000 or comma separated value (CSV) format.

5. On a daily basis for the period August 1, 2001 to January 31, 2002, please provide by interstate pipeline the type and quantity of transportation service your system has under contract. At each receipt point, provide maximum peak day design capacity, the daily maximum flowing capacity, the daily nominated capacity and the daily scheduled volumes of the local distribution system.

Along with the hard copy response, please provide a CD-ROM containing the response to this question. Please provide this information in Excel version 97 or 2000 or comma separated value (CSV) format.

6. On a daily basis for the period August 1, 2001 to January 31, 2002, please provide on a system-wide basis your storage service rights i.e., capacity and deliverability rights. Additionally, provide daily storage balances, injections and withdrawls.

Along with the hard copy response, please provide a CD-ROM containing the response to this question. Please provide this information in Excel version 97 or 2000 or comma separated value (CSV) format.

7. On a daily basis for the period August 1, 2001 to January 31, 2002, please provide how much of your system's gas supply was from intrastate production sources. Separately identify the sources, volumes, receipt points, and prices. Include the total system supply in your response.
Along with the hard copy response, please provide a CD-ROM containing the response to this question. Please provide this information in Excel version 97 or 2000 or comma separated value (CSV) format.

8. Provide a summary of your system's gas purchases in the following categories:

a. daily spot purchases;
b. monthly;
c. short-term (more than 1 month and less than 1 year);
d. medium-term (1-3 years); and,
e. long-term ( more than 3 years).

by month for each of the last three years in the following format:

a. price;
b. volume; and,
c. identify, by name, where these purchases were made (producing basin or at the California border).

Along with the hard copy response, please provide a CD-ROM containing the response to this question. Please provide this information in Excel version 97 or 2000 or comma separated value (CSV) format.