Enron Mail

To:ted.murphy@enron.com, rick.buy@enron.com
Subject:Helsinki - Update on Various Issues
Date:Tue, 25 Jan 2000 09:07:00 -0800 (PST)

I'll defer to you two on what of the following needs to be communicated on to
others in Houston:

Ilkka - Nigel Sellens (EEL - HR) phoned to confirm Ilkka had been terminated
this morning. He faxed the letter given to Ilkka and effectively tied
termination to "gross mis-conduct". As expected, Ilkka disputes this. Nigel
left resignation on the table with Ilkka as an option which would involve
tearing up the letter. I mentioned to Nigel that I don't believe resignation
should be an option given the circumstances. I asked Nigel to get back with
me on this if Ilkka wants to discuss this further.

Moving Operations to London - This morning I checked with Nigel, Kevin
Sweeney (Acctg.) and Graham Cane (Logistics) to assure that they are
preparing for the possibility that all operations are moved to London. I
went ahead and made the calls to assure that all were prepared so that we
don't lose 2 ~ 3 days if it is agreed later this week that this is the best
course of action. As one alternative, Olga K (in CRM) may need to be
involved with rail movements due to the need to have a Russian speaker for
communicating with Russian border authorities for rail deliveries if no one
in Helsinki will move to London for the near term. You'll note from prior
e-mails that business is still being conducted from Helsinki so further
communication on this point is clearly necessary since this is in conflict
with the wishes of those in last night's conference call.

Status of Audit - I spoke with Graham Cane (London Logistics) who is in
Helsinki going over documentation with AA. He now believes B/L's have been
"adjusted". Typically there is one stamped - Original - B/L and numerous
stamped - Non-Negotiable - copies of the B/L. It appears that in some
instances vessel stamps and the master signature have been cut off of
originals and glued on to altered copies which don't have these stamps.
Further confirmation comes from the fact that B/L's attached to invoices sent
back from customers (representing agreed settlement of a delivery) don't
match the originals.

Going Forward - I've not seen AA's scope but would expect it is comprehensive
given the magnitude of the circumstances and history. I would recommend that
one of you have input just to assure that it is exhaustive and representative
of issues of concern to RAC as well.

I would assume the timeline/action items, if it exists beyond AA's work,
would look something like the following. To my knowledge there is not yet an
aggregated list of action items beyond work by AA. Thoughts or questions.

Action Timing
Finalize the review of all Vnesh documents Complete late this week
Agree no new business (and explicitly define bsns impacted) Immediate as
this does not appear to be discussed or agreed [note 1]
Establish approach to recovery alternatives from Vnesh [note 2] Starting
Next week ??
Review other counterparty documentation for contingent liabilities ??

note 1 - J Nowlan and I agreed back in Nov. that prepays were finished for
now. However, no new business at all out of Helsinki was not discussed since
the issue of altered documentation had not come to light.

note 2 - Apparently Vnesh delivered and documented product as fixed price
delivered product at some point on all fixed price contracts (even the two
they are now disputing as floating). Therefore, by implication they have
acknowledged the fixed nature through these deliveries. This and other
issues do suggest we may have a case for some measurable recovery once we
know the severity of the document tampering issue.