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ASME International Capitol Update
October 17, 2001 ***************************** 1. Senate Republicans to Introduce "Homeland Energy Security Act of 2001" -- Move would increase pressure on Majority Leader to schedule vote on energy policy 2. Pipeline Industry Calls for Legislation to Increase Security -- Industry not equipped to protect facilities from large-scale threats 3. Kyoto Rules to be Finalized Later this Month in Morocco -- U.S. delegation expected to attend 4. "Tech Talent" Bill Introduced in House and Senate -- ASME group endorses bill 5. ASME Ohio Council Urges Support for Tort Reform Measure -- S.B. 120 would redress joint and several liability standard 6. NIST Launches New E-Mail Service to Track Foreign Regulation of U.S. Exports -- Automated service gathers proposed regulatory changes of 142 nations ***************************** SENATE REPUBLICANS TO INTRODUCE "HOMELAND ENERGY SECURITY ACT OF 2001" Senate Republicans intend to introduce a scaled-back energy policy bill not only to underscore GOP commitment to pass an energy bill this session, but also to increase the pressure on Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle (D-ND) to schedule a floor vote on energy legislation before the session concludes. The measure, to be titled the "Homeland Energy Security Act of 2001" is expected to focus mainly on increasing domestic production of oil and gas. The bill is anticipated to include a controversial provision to allow energy exploration in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, but is not expected to include other contentious provisions such as auto fuel-efficiency standards, greenhouse-gas emissions caps and electricity restructuring issues. In a related development, President Bush has added energy policy to his short-list of "must approve" legislation during the current session of Congress. The President said that "the less dependent we are on foreign sources of crude oil, the more secure we are at home." For additional information on energy-related issues, contact Francis Dietz at 202.785.3756 or at dietzf@asme.org. PIPELINE INDUSTRY CALLS FOR LEGISLATION TO INCREASE SECURITY The U.S. pipeline industry is calling for federal legislation to reduce security risks and to respond to large-scale threats. In response to a request for suggestions on how to improve energy infrastructure security by Senate Energy Committee Chairman Jeff Bingaman (D-NM), the Interstate National Gas Association of America (INGAA) recommends that in cases of specific and significant threats, "the federal government consider making military forces and equipment available to help protect and/or monitor sensitive pipeline facilities." INGAA also recommended that legislation be introduced to amend the Freedom of Information Act to clarify that security-sensitive data be protected from public disclosure. The American Gas Association (AGA) called for additional federal funding of research and development of new monitoring and detection equipment, as well as tax incentives that would allow natural gas utilities to recover the costs of enhancing energy infrastructure security. Earlier this month, Chairman Bingaman introduced legislation to amend the Reclamation, Recreation Management Act of 1992 to provide security for dams, facilities under the jurisdiction of the Department of the Interior's Bureau of Reclamation. To view a copy of that bill, S.1480, go to http://thomas.loc.gov/ and search by bill number. KYOTO RULES TO BE FINALIZED LATER THIS MONTH IN MOROCCO The U.S. is anticipated to send a delegation to the October 27-November 9 meeting in Marrakech, Morocco at which the final rules of a global treaty to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are to be negotiated. However, the U.S. delegation will participate in a high-level segment of the meeting related to the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change to which the U.S. is a party. Because there are no plans for the U.S. to ratify the Kyoto Protocol, the delegation will not participate in negotiations on implementing the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, an amendment to the framework document. The Bush Administration, through the Environmental Protection Agency, is developing a plan to address climate change issues outside of the Kyoto Protocol. The Kyoto Protocol will enter into force and become legally binding after it has been ratified by at least 55 parties to the convention, including industrialized countries representing at least 55 percent of the total 1990 carbon dioxide emissions within that group. Thus far, 40 countries have ratified the Protocol, including one industrialized country, Romania. For additional information, contact Francis Dietz at 202.785.3756 or at dietzf@asme.org. "TECH TALENT" BILL INTRODUCED IN HOUSE AND SENATE Legislation designed to address the decline in the nation's technical workforce, and to improve undergraduate math and science education, has been introduced in both the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate. The bi-partisan legislation, sponsored by Senators Joe Lieberman (D-CT), Christopher Bond (R-MO), Barbara Mikulski (D-MD), Bill Frist (R-TN), Pete Domenici (R-NM) and Representatives Sherwood Boehlert (R-NY) and John Larson (D-CT) would establish a competitive grants program through the National Science Foundation (NSF) to undergraduate institutions pledging to increase the number of U.S. citizens or permanent residents obtaining degrees in science, math, engineering and technology (SMET) fields. A pilot program, which would award three-year grants, is authorized at $25 million in fiscal year 2002. Funding increases are anticipated for out years. The K-12 SMET Coalition, of which ASME's Council on Education is a member, has endorsed the legislation. To view the letter, go to http://www.asme.org/gric/ps/2001/01-42.html. For additional information, contact Patti Burgio at 202.785.3756 or at burgiop@asme.org. ASME OHIO COUNCIL URGES SUPPORT FOR TORT REFORM MEASURE ASME's Ohio Council, representing over 4300 ASME members in the state, has sent a letter to Ohio legislators urging support for S.B. 120, a bill that would significantly improve the state's civil justice system by limiting joint and several liability. The measure, currently under consideration by the Ohio House Civil and Commercial Law Committee, would ensure that a defendant would have to pay only its proportionate share of damages, for those defendants found to be 50 percent or less at fault. To view of a copy of the letter, go to http://www.asme.org/gric/ps/2001/01-41.html. For additional information on the bill, or on the Ohio Council, contact Gene Hulbert, ASME Ohio State Government Coordinator, at 614.882.0265 or hulbertL@asme.org. NIST LAUNCHES NEW E-MAIL SERVICE TO TRACK FOREIGN REGULATION OF U.S. EXPORTS The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has launched a new e-mail service that advises U.S. businesses when foreign governments propose regulations that might influence the treatment of U.S. exports. Export Alert! Is an automated service that gathers, organizes and disseminates notifications of proposed regulatory changes issued by any of 142 nationals that are members of the World Trade Organization (WTO). The early warning provided by Export Alert! is designed to ensure that subscribing U.S. organizations have adequate lead time to review and comment on proposed regulations. To learn more about Export Alert!, go to www.nist.gov/public_affairs/releases/n01-05.htm. Information on how to subscribe to the service is available at http://ts.nist.gov/ncsci. For more detailed information, contact Mark Bello at mark.bello@nist.gov or at 301.975.3776. **************************** Mary James Legatski Government Relations Representative ASME International 1828 L Street, NW, Suite 906 Washington, DC 20036 Phone: 202.785.7380 Fax: 202.429.9417 Email: legatskim@asme.org -------------------------------- You are currently subscribed to ASME's capitol-news list as: rick.buy@enron.com To change your personal information, or email address please click on the link below: https://www.asmeny.org/memberaddr/html/security.htm To unsubscribe send a blank email to leave-capitol-news-3062J@list.asme.org or click here: http://www.asmeny.org/cgi-bin1/WEB400CE?3062+ANT007+N+99999 --------------------------------