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Subject:Revised for 2001-ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Interactive
Date:Thu, 24 Jan 2002 14:44:30 -0800 (PST)

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Subject: Revised for 2001-ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code Interactive Training - An indispensable companion to your code book.

Learn to apply the revised Section Vlll, Division 1 with this computer based interactive training and earn 7 CEUs.

Product Site: http://www.asme.org/boilercode/computer1.html

Try the Demo: https://secure.asme.org/Section8survey/surveyform.cfm

With this personalized, self-paced, comprehensive training program, you master Section VIII, Division I, and learn to design vessels that conform to the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. You also have the opportunity to earn 7 CEUs. You receive:
* CD-ROM with 40 interactive exercises that direct and assess your progress.
* Training Manual divided into eight modules to provide a structured, comprehensive program of study.

Using printed and electronic media developed by a former chairman of the Code Committee for Section VIII, Division 1, you enjoy a challenging, hands-on learning experience by solving practical design exercises and following the step-by-step logic of Code experts.

After loading the software, you begin with a pre-test, which evaluates your current understanding of the Code. The program generates a personalized study plan based on your pre-test score. By charting your pre-test results, the program identifies areas that you need to examine more thoroughly.

Eight Learning Modules to Get You Up to Speed
With your pre-test results and individualized study plan, you can now begin work on the modules, focusing on the material that you most need to study.

The program's eight learning modules are comprised of a series of exercises based on the paragraphs of the Code. You begin with a background scenario, a sketch, and the design questions. If familiar with the content, simply use the training manual or copy of the Code to solve the questions.

You can also choose to be led through the exercises. Either way, you complete the exercises at your own pace. You can also leave the program and return to it later or start over at any time.

During the exercises you may refer to the training manual, which provides code excerpts and expert commentary. You may also access the training manual

Eight Modules
1. General Requirements for all Methods of Construction and Materials based on code subsection A, part UG.
2. Methods of Fabrication based on subsection B, parts UW, UF and UB.
3. Requirements for Carbon and Low Alloy Steel, based on subsection C, part UCS.
4. Designing Vessels under Internal Pressure based on subsection A, part UG.
5. Designing Vessels under External Pressure based on subsection A, part UG.
6. Openings and Reinforcements based on subsection A, part UG.
7. Inspection and Testing based on subsection A, Part UG.
8. Pressure Relief Devices, based on subsection A, part UG.

For more information go to http://www.asme.org/boilercode/computer1.html

Or contact Thomas Kuehl at kuehlt@asme.org or 212-591-8013

Thomas Kuehl
ASME International

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