Enron Mail

Subject:Special Edition: Quarterly Software Spectacular
Date:Mon, 28 Jan 2002 11:32:32 -0800 (PST)

<http://www.4at2.com/email_domains/hag/0001/final/images/spacer.gif<=09 =

In this edition of the e-newsletter from Handspring.com <http://r.4at1.com/=

Don't let the chill of winter stop you from making the most of your Visor h=
andheld. We've got a ton of hot modules and software applications that are =
certain to fire you up!
<http://www.4at2.com/email_domains/hag/0001/final/images/spacer.gif<* New=
Modules-keep your health in check
<http://www.4at2.com/email_domains/hag/0001/final/images/spacer.gif<* Wri=
te Stuff-"Jump in the Fire"
<http://www.4at2.com/email_domains/hag/0001/final/images/spacer.gif<* Tip=
s and Tricks-changing the displayed number=20
<http://www.4at2.com/email_domains/hag/0001/final/images/spacer.gif<* Sof=
tware-quarterly "Software Spectacular" edition=20
Meet the Visor Handheld Family
Don't put it off any longer-get your hands on one of our cool Visor handhel=
ds today!

5<=09 <http://www.4at2.com/email_domains/hag/0001/final/images/spacer.gif=
<=09 <http://r.4at1.com/c/e/r/r.jsp?rid=3D141.2342.11693.46460.5102.233.341=
25625<=09 <http://www.4at2.com/email_domains/hag/0001/final/images/spacer=
.gif<=09 <http://r.4at1.com/c/e/r/r.jsp?rid=3D141.2342.11693.46460.5103.233=
.34125625<=09 <http://www.4at2.com/email_domains/hag/0001/final/images/sp=
acer.gif<=09 <http://r.4at1.com/c/e/r/r.jsp?rid=3D141.2342.11693.46460.5104=
.233.34125625<=09 <http://www.4at2.com/email_domains/hag/0001/final/image=
s/spacer.gif<=09 <http://r.4at1.com/c/e/r/r.jsp?rid=3D141.2342.11693.46460.=
Visor Neo?
Hip and organized
Find out more <http://r.4at1.com/c/e/r/r.jsp?rid=3D141.2342.11693.46460.510=
1.233.34125625<=09 <http://www.4at2.com/email_domains/hag/0001/final/imag=
es/spacer.gif<=09Visor Pro?
Roomy and fast
Learn more <http://r.4at1.com/c/e/r/r.jsp?rid=3D141.2342.11693.46460.5102.2=
33.34125625<=09 <http://www.4at2.com/email_domains/hag/0001/final/images/=
spacer.gif<=09Visor Edge?
Sleek and slim
Get one today <http://r.4at1.com/c/e/r/r.jsp?rid=3D141.2342.11693.46460.510=
3.233.34125625<=09 <http://www.4at2.com/email_domains/hag/0001/final/imag=
es/spacer.gif<=09Visor? Prism
Amazingly colorful
Check it out <http://r.4at1.com/c/e/r/r.jsp?rid=3D141.2342.11693.46460.5104=
.233.34125625<=09 <http://www.4at2.com/email_domains/hag/0001/final/image=
Personalize your handheld
Check them out <http://r.4at1.com/c/e/r/r.jsp?rid=3D141.2342.11693.46460.51=
Special Offers
Visit our Special Offers section <http://r.4at1.com/c/e/r/r.jsp?rid=3D141.2=
342.11693.46460.5106.233.34125625< to get the latest scoop on all the other=
incredible deals at Handspring.com.

Module News
Now you can be a medical expert-or at least come across to your family as o=
Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics, 30th Edition
Make fast medical diagnoses
5<=09 <http://www.4at2.com/email_domains/hag/0001/final/images/spacer.gif=
Get fast dosage and illness management recommendations. Choose from outline=
, index or word search. Write notes directly into the text. With so much in=
formation to be had right at your fingertips, this Springboard module makes=
an important addition to any medical library.
Check it out <http://r.4at1.com/c/e/r/r.jsp?rid=3D141.2342.11693.46460.5107=

Hagiwara Step Keeper
Get in shape for the New Year-for 20% less
Now, for a limited time, you can get a 20% off instant rebate on the Hagiwa=
ra Step Keeper when you buy it at PalmGear.com. Stay fit with one of the ea=
siest exercises around-walking. Step Keeper records your steps as you walk,=
calculates how far you walked and how many calories you burned.
Check it out <http://r.4at1.com/c/e/r/r.jsp?rid=3D141.2342.11693.46460.5108=

=09 <http://www.4at2.com/email_domains/hag/0001/final/images/spacer.gif<=
=09 <http://r.4at1.com/c/e/r/r.jsp?rid=3D141.2342.11693.46460.5108.233.3412=
TokenWorks Cardtool Reader
The perfect tool for magnetic cards
5<=09 <http://www.4at2.com/email_domains/hag/0001/final/images/spacer.gif=
<=09With a 3 track magnetic card reader and 2 MB of internal flash memory, =
the Cardtool Reader can read all standard encoded magnetic cards and be fie=
ld updated to read proprietary encoded cards. The flash memory provides a c=
onvenient way to distribute card applications and back up important data su=
ch as card transaction databases.
Check it out <http://r.4at1.com/c/e/r/r.jsp?rid=3D141.2342.11693.46460.5109=

Complete Module List
For a complete, updated list of Handspring.com's Springboard modules, check=
out our Springboard Spotlight page <http://r.4at1.com/c/e/r/r.jsp?rid=3D14=
Write Stuff
It takes more than water and flame retardant to put out forest fires. Reade=
r and firefighter Paul F. tells us how his Visor Prism helped rescue a crew=
member and keep the flames at bay.
Jump in the Fire
I am a smokejumper for the US Forest Service <http://r.4at1.com/c/e/r/r.jsp=
?rid=3D141.2342.11693.46460.5127.233.34125625< in Missoula, Montana. (For t=
hose who may not know, smokejumpers are airborne, forest fire fighters that=
parachute into remote mountainous terrain to fight wild fires). As a Forem=
an for the Missoula Smokejumpers I manage several programs and coordinate s=
everal projects. My Visor helps me to stay on top of all that administrativ=
e work; but more unique is how it helps me on fires. My Prism was particula=
rly helpful on one fire this last summer.

jpg<We had a late afternoon dispatch to the Gallatin National Forest just n=
orth of Yellowstone National Park in early August-another lightning ignited=
fire. We were flying over the scene about one hour after receiving the cal=
l. As the airplane circled the fire I noticed a couple of small spot fires =
quite a distance from the main fire. I had my Prism out with the Magellan G=
PS <http://r.4at1.com/c/e/r/r.jsp?rid=3D141.2342.11693.46460.5128.233.34125=
625< Module installed so I quickly marked a couple of waypoints as we flew =
over the spots. Within a few minutes we were leaping out of the aircraft an=
d floating down to our jump spot about a half mile from the fire. Unfortuna=
tely one of our fellow crewmembers was hurt on landing, and because no heli=
copter ambulances were available in the area, we were forced to utilize the=
Malmstrom Air Force air rescue helicopter about four hours away. With my P=
rism and GPS unit I was able to gather the latitude and longitude coordinat=
es of our location. I had the phone number for the 40th Air Rescue Squadron=
in my address book and thus was able to call them up direct on our satelli=
te phone and arrange for the evacuation of the injured jumper-giving them a=
ll the pertinent information, including our location.
The next day I grabbed pictures of the fire with my eyemodule2 <http://r.4a=
t1.com/c/e/r/r.jsp?rid=3D141.2342.11693.46460.5129.233.34125625<. The fire =
made some impressive runs as the day warmed up making for some dandy photo =
opportunities but making for tough firefighting. Luckily, with some fast ac=
tion and hard work on our part, we were able to get the fire under control =
as the evening cooled. The pictures I captured with the eyemodule2 helped t=
o make a very complete fire report at the end of the fire.

The next morning (Day 3) I again used the GPS. We had been unable to find t=
he spots we'd seen from the airplane by gridding for them, as they were no =
longer showing any smoke. However, I was able to locate the spot fires that=
I had marked as waypoints from the air. And it was a good thing too! Two o=
f the spots still had hot embers in them, and thus had potential to kick up=
and burn.

Well, as you can see, a Handspring Visor Prism can be a pretty useful tool,=
even in some pretty unlikely places. All that, and I could even play Solit=
aire when we got a chance to kick back and take a break!!

Paul F., Missoula Smokejumpers, Aerial Fire Depot=20
Send Us Your Stories and Pictures=20
If you'd like to share a story of how you use your Visor handheld (at work,=
home or play!), send us an email at enews@handspring.com. If you have a qu=
estion relating to customer support, try out our customer support link belo=
Tips & Tricks
So many numbers-so little time.

Changing the Displayed Number=20
When you put a new contact into your Address Book, the first phone number y=
ou enter (i.e., phone, fax, mobile) will default to the one displayed in th=
e address list. To change the number that is displayed, tap the listing, ta=
p Edit, then tap Details. In the Show in List pull-down menu, choose the nu=
mber that you do want to see, tap OK and it's set to show!
If you liked this tip, you can let us know by clicking here <http://r.4at1.=
Special Edition: Quarterly Software Spectacular
Looking for some great Palm OS
applications for your Visor handheld? We've laid out some of our favorites=
from the last quarter. The rest is up to you!
Top Software Picks (listed alphabetically)=20

Bejeweled 1.42 <http://r.4at1.com/c/e/r/r.jsp?rid=3D141.2342.11693.46460.51=
12.233.34125625<: This gem is more addictive than you can possibly imagine.=
(Shareware, $14.95)=20
DateMate 2.7.0 <http://r.4at1.com/c/e/r/r.jsp?rid=3D141.2342.11693.46460.51=
13.233.34125625<: Birthdays, anniversaries and other events-all in one orga=
nized list. (Shareware, $19.95)=20
Arcade Classics? <http://r.4at1.com/c/e/r/r.jsp?rid=3D141.2342.11693.46460=
.5114.233.34125625<: Revisit all your classic arcade favorites. (Commercial=
, $19.99)=20
1.5 <http://r.4at1.com/c/e/r/r.jsp?rid=3D141.2342.11693.46460.5115.233.341=
25625<: Reminders for pills, refills, appointments, and other healthcare ac=
tivities. (Shareware, $19.95)=20
3.1 Pro <http://r.4at1.com/c/e/r/r.jsp?rid=3D141.2342.11693.46460.5116.233=
.34125625<: Access and update important Outlook information. (Commercial, $=
Quizwiz? 2.21 <http://r.4at1.com/c/e/r/r.jsp?rid=3D141.2342.11693.46460.511=
7.233.34125625<: The best-selling quizzing software for Palm OS handhelds. =
(Commercial, $14.95)=20
Handmark Scrabble 1.02 <http://r.4at1.com/c/e/r/r.jsp?rid=3D141.2342.11693.=
46460.5118.233.34125625<: The world's most popular word game! (Commercial, =
TapPad <http://r.4at1.com/c/e/r/r.jsp?rid=3D141.2342.11693.46460.5119.233.3=
4125625<: Fast and accurate text input and screen protection. (Commercial, =
ThinkDB 2.5 <http://r.4at1.com/c/e/r/r.jsp?rid=3D141.2342.11693.46460.5120.=
233.34125625<: Create, edit, manage and customize relational databases. (Sh=
areware, $31.96)=20
Word Complete 2.01 <http://r.4at1.com/c/e/r/r.jsp?rid=3D141.2342.11693.4646=
0.5121.233.34125625<: It's like shorthand for your Visor handheld. (Commerc=
ial, $24.99) Mac users click here <http://r.4at1.com/c/e/r/r.jsp?rid=3D141.=

Bonus Freeware Picks!

Sea War 1.1 <http://r.4at1.com/c/e/r/r.jsp?rid=3D141.2342.11693.46460.5123.=
233.34125625<: Destroy and sink the enemy ships before they get to yours.=
Backgammon 3.1b <http://r.4at1.com/c/e/r/r.jsp?rid=3D141.2342.11693.46460.5=
124.233.34125625<: Practice your moves and perfect your strategies.=20
Converter 2.1 <http://r.4at1.com/c/e/r/r.jsp?rid=3D141.2342.11693.46460.512=
5.233.34125625<: Convert dozens of units of measurement with ease.

How To Install Software
Not sure how to install these applications? Don't worry. We'll show you how=
easy it is to download and install cool software onto your Visor handheld.
Click here to find out how <http://r.4at1.com/c/e/r/r.jsp?rid=3D141.2342.11=
Customer Support
If you have any questions relating to Customer Support, please visit our Cu=
stomer Support site <http://r.4at1.com/c/e/r/r.jsp?rid=3D141.2342.11693.464=

International Subscribers
Please note that all special offers presented in the e-newsletter apply to =
the US and Canada only. If you live in Europe and would like to subscribe t=
o our European Handspring e-newsletter, please click here <http://r.4at1.co=

Online Privacy Policy
We encourage you to visit our website if you'd like to learn about Handspri=
ng.com's online privacy policy <http://r.4at1.com/c/e/r/r.jsp?rid=3D141.234=

To Unsubscribe
If you no longer wish to receive additional Handspring e-newsletters, pleas=
e click here <http://h.4at1.com/c/e/u/unsub.jsp?uid=3D141.2342.11693.233.1.=
Or here:<http://h.4at1.com/c/e/u/unsub.jsp?uid=3D141.2342.11693.233.1.34125=
