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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-From: Drerup, Dave <DrerupD@ds-s.com< X-To: Drerup, Dave <DrerupD@ds-s.com< X-cc: ahfs01@email.mot.com, kchrist1@nassco.com, dave.palmer@henkel-americas.com, chris.christine@exxonmobil.com, mcnulty@wharton.upenn.edu, dennis.gaspard@williams.com, pablo.delgado@williams.com.ve, david.farrand@williams.com, ARG007@email.mot.com, ARG007@email.mot.com, gusr271@email.sps.mot.com, carla_blum@email.mot.com, mike.s.mitchell@motorola.com, r20787@email.sps.mot.com, brian.reed@equistarchem.com, tony.aguilar@equistarchem.com, thomas.abrey@equistarchem.com, sspruell@c-bridge.com, robert.martien@equistarchem.com, megan.diliberto@equistarchem.com, matthew.michnovicz@equistarchem.com, george.tucker@equistarchem.com, gary.williamson@lyondell.com, dillow.kevin@equistarchem.com, darrin.militello@equistarchem.com, Dan.Farris@Equistarchem.com, john.burks@equistar.chem, jrevans@lyondell.com, Thomas.Bridge@Equistarchem.com, Cynthia.Gleason@equistarchem.com, carolyn.brown@equistarchem.com, sheryl.kuhfeldt@equistarchem.com, dcflack@lyondell.com, philip.nangle@equistarchem.com, vboyd@wt.net, clckmf@lyondell.com, krcomey@equilon.com, kevin.worrell@eott.com, jmutch@entergy.com, afernan@entergy.com, hhirasa@entergy.com, Dillingham, Gavin </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=GDILLIN<, gallen@enron.com, dnutt@enron.com, Worthen, Susan </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=SWORTHE<, rbuy@enron.com, mterraso@enron.com, adove@enogex.com, gjohnson@ameripol.com, hheim@ato.com, sertl@juno.com, ksm@lilly.com, jfrederick@electricfuels.com, dan_morgan@rocky.eisai.com, nancy_neely@fujifilm.com, kparadis@fujihuntusa.com, markmalinauskas@frontieroil-eld.com, tpritchard@frontieroil-chey.com, mikerivet@ftpc.fpcusa.com, holeform@birghtok.net, dennis.munden@flyingj.com, Jacqueline.Foss@FPC.com, sstenger@fpl.com, rlabauve@fpl.com, dknudson@fpl.com, tina.n.adams@flexsys.com, khheins@cville-refining.com, amacdonald@na.cokecce.com, melmore@na.ko.com, hott@na.ko.com, kconover@na.ko.com, jpage@na.ko.com, todd.aukerman.b@bayer.com, scott_evans@kindermorgan.com, krienschmidtm@kindermorgan.com, wood@greif.com, bressan@globemetallurgical.com, rothwell@globemetallurgical.com, monica.alston@gsk.com, dcalhoun@nexstar.com, hismond@geon.com, tbishop@gene.com, lnusgmb.hvtqwj@gmeds.com, larry.deeney@genmills.com, r.mukund@corporate.ge.com, tbishop@gene.com, Latronica, Michael J </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=FOREIGN CONTACTS/CN=GARDEN STATE USERS/CN=MLATRONI<, ksandoval@hydril.com, jherring@hydril.com, hhenry@husky.ca, debbie.benoit@huntsman.com, marshall_thibodeaux@huntsman.com, scott.greene@huntsman.com, bfreeman@huntrefining.com, tjohnson@huntrefining.com, Randy.Price@honeywell.com, paul.manning@honeywell.com, sean_madigan@ham.honda.com, u0007701@honmfg.com, john.riggio@roche.com X-bcc: X-Folder: \RBUY (Non-Privileged)\Buy, Rick\Inbox X-Origin: Buy-R X-FileName: RBUY (Non-Privileged).pst Every quarter or so, Data Systems & Solutions hosts seminars to educate clients in the process industries on the value of integrated environmental, health & safety management information systems (EMIS). Our last seminar on May 3, 2001 resulted in over 30 clients attending. We are planning two additional seminars this year (Integrating Process Safety Management - October 11th) and (Integrated EH&S Solutions - November 6th). We vary topics/vendors to meet the needs of the marketplace. For instance, you will notice that Sustainable Development is a "hot" topic right now. Overall, the top three interests we are hearing from our customers on the topic of EMIS include: 1. Sustainable Development "Triple Bottom Line" coupled with Key Performance Metrics/Roll-Up Reporting 2. Integrating Information Systems with EMIS 3. Risk Reduction The ever looming concern over cost justification has become much clearer and will be addressed in future seminars. Even today, there is no "panacea" for EH&S software applications. Most vendors address the "E" picture or the "H&S" picture, but do not cover both holistically. With emerging information technology protocols such as extensible markup language (XML) it is now possible to get a true "best of breed" solution that will allow you to "plug and play" modules instead of hoping for everything in one software vendor. Unfortunately, the EMIS software marketplace still remains unconsolidated and there are inherent risks with selecting a software vendor. The goal of our one day seminar is to address all of these concerns and to help our customers to understand what is involved in a typical EMIS project...from an initial assessment of your needs, to determining the value of an EMIS and the core reasons for doing it, to selecting systems where gaps exist, to allocating proper resources to ensure a successful project, to implementing the solution, to integrating with other facility information systems, and maintenance and training. Let us know if you or anyone from your organization are interested in attending our seminar. We want to give you the most value possible in our one day educational forum. Please let us know if there is anything in particular that you would like to get information on that may not be covered in the topics listed on the agenda. http://www.ds-s.com/Products/EH&S/index.htm gives a current listing of our EMIS services. Regards, David Drerup Manager, Business Development Data Systems & Solutions 1900 West Loop South, Suite 300 Houston, Texas 77027 phone: 713-346-4210 fax: 713-346-4202 Email: EHS@ds-s.com <<DSS_KMS_Seminar_Fall_01_rev2.doc<< <<DSS_EHS_Seminar_Fall_01_rev1.doc<< For optimum solutions that save you time, visit www.ds-s.com.