Enron Mail

Subject:Economist Speaking Invitation
Date:Fri, 9 Nov 2001 13:26:36 -0800 (PST)

Dear Mr. Buy:

We have the pleasure of inviting you to participate as a speaker in an upcoming conference given by The Economist. Attached you will find the formal invitation and a preliminary draft of the programme agenda. Here are some key facts for your reference:

Conference Title: Global Risk Management Summit
Date/Location: March 7, 2002; New York City
Topics: All of the critical issues surrounding: business continuity/business resumption planning; the long-term capacity for handling risk transfer; the integration of market and credit risk; the implementation of a vertical enterprise risk framework; the management and mitigation of brand, country, human capital and cyber risk.
Delegates profile: CROs, CFOs, CIOs, treasurers and controllers, heads/directors/officers of risk management and business continuity, senior financial executives, systems providers and consultants serving the risk management industry
Attendance: 100+

I kindly ask that you get back to us at your earliest convenience. In the meantime, please feel free to contact me at 212-541-0552 if you have any questions or if you would like any additional information.

Melissa Magley

Melissa L. Magley
Senior Conference Manager, Americas
Economist Conferences
Tel: (212) 541-0552
Fax: (212) 245-6413
Email: melissamagley@economist.com

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