Enron Mail

To:rick.buy@enron.com, david.gorte@enron.com
Subject:FW: Corporate Development Initiatives
Date:Thu, 27 Sep 2001 09:05:48 -0700 (PDT)

CONFIDENTIAL NOTE TO RICK & DAVE: Do either of you have a clear understand=
ing of Corporate Development's mission in regard to the development of this=
database to assist in the divestiture of certain of the merchant investmen=
ts? A few weeks ago we met with Sherron to show her PortRAC which she want=
ed to use along with some livelink files to assist them in divestiture acti=
vity. Her final vision as portrayed by the attached presentation has turne=
d into a large database which will take lots of resources to develop and ma=
intain which she has indicated by her memo should be supported by my group.=
Also, it seems redundant with RAC's existing data plus a lot information =
that is maintained by the business units such as Kevin Garland's group. I =
am comfortable that we can respond to any data request as well as build a d=
ata room if necessary for a big sale/syndication with our our existing data=
and our newest tools (PortRAC, COMET, RAC Website, DASH Library, etc.) wi=
thout creating another database. Since Sherron has left the group, do you =
think that this new database is her idea alone or is it also embraced by Do=
nahue? =20

Concerns aside, if you think that this new database is necessary, we are ce=
rtainly capable of supporting it. Please let me know your thoughts.

=09=09=09=09=09=09=09=09=09=09=09 Regards! Rick C.

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Watkins, Sherron =20
Sent:=09Thursday, September 27, 2001 9:30 AM
To:=09Pua, Cornelio; Carson, Rick L.; Hudler, Cindy; Bellinghausen, Lynn; D=
esai, Jayshree
Cc:=09Donahue, Jeff; Buy, Rick
Subject:=09RE: Corporate Development Initiatives

=09In August we were discussing the additional information needs that Corpo=
rate Development has re: an electronic repository for the original models, =
pitch books, research, etc. on assets/deals, plus any current work Corporat=
e Development, the business unit or RAC may have done. Some of the informa=
tion Corp Dev was interested in was financial data for each asset (EBITDA, =
NI, debt, etc.) that I think could be added to the PortRac system. The rem=
ainder of the data Corp Dev was looking to have on hand electronically was =
to be part of a new livelink application that Cornelio was going to help de=
velop. The attached ppt file describes the user needs for this development=
project. =20

The question is - Who is the new business unit sponsor since I've left the =
group? The information is not dissimilar to what RAC/Underwriting maintain=
, plus RAC/Underwriting have the right staff to maintain the livelink appli=
cation. It's just a matter of getting the right approvals for this additio=
nal work load to be budgeted for Rick Carson's group and also having the gr=
oup meet with various Corp Dev folks (use the ppt file attached) to establi=
sh the support relationship. Please call if you need anything further. Sh=

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Pua, Cornelio =20
Sent:=09Wednesday, September 26, 2001 8:53 AM
To:=09Watkins, Sherron
Subject:=09Corporate Development Initiatives


It's been a while since we had our last meeting. I would like to follow-up =
with you regarding the Asset Library. I would like to find out if you are s=
till interested in pursuing this project. We left off on issues surrounding=
RAC and integrating your operations with them. I have not been aware of an=
y decisions regarding this, as well as direction that you wish to go. I loo=
k forward to hearing from you. Thanks.
