Enron Mail

To:rick.buy@enron.com, ted.murphy@enron.com
Subject:FW: International Credit
Date:Wed, 12 Sep 2001 13:34:23 -0700 (PDT)

While I agree with most of your points, I would like to stress that the bus=
iness units still lack the direction and skills necessary for building an i=
nternational business. One of our biggest difficulties has been dealing wi=
th originators, logistics managers, and support staff who lack experience i=
n international trade. To have a centralized international credit function=
we will need a centralized international support staff.

Trades within high risk countries with limited information is not where we =
or the market has historically had much risk appetite. We have continued t=
o focus the commercial teams on risk syndication and have proactively appro=
ached banks on different mechanisms for laying off risks where possible. W=
e need to think about what risk tolerance we are comfortable with accepting=
to help grow this business.

I agree we have had the foresight to focus on building the necessary skills=
to support the business growth but have not done a good job of proactively=
communicating the credit risks inherent in the international businesses. =
Both Tom Moran and Ken Curry have decent experience in international trade =
and l/c's but have not taken a proactive enough approach with the business =
teams. I have addressed this issue with both of them in the PRC. I think =
John Suttle has done a good job getting up the curve on issues and has take=
n an active approach on liasing with Sydney banks and hiring the necessary =
skills sets in Australia. As Ted noted the hiring of John Collinette has b=
een a big plus for the London team. Although it is not their day to day re=
sponsibility, both Debbie Brackett and David Hardy have more international =
trade experience than most in the marketplace.

Effectively the International Credit Group is well structured with the cred=
it teams supporting the internatinoal businesses. Collinette/Ngo/Suttle - =
Curry/Rohauer/Maley/Nelson/Suttle - EIM
Moran/Rohauer/Maley/Nelson/Suttle - EGM

This is a very detailed business and I think we have lacked the coordinatio=
n across offices. We need to improve communication and continue to develop=
the necessary depth in our teams to meet the business objectives.=20

Let's discuss in the coming weeks.

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Murphy, Ted =20
Sent:=09Tuesday, September 11, 2001 8:13 AM
To:=09Buy, Rick
Cc:=09Bradford, William S.
Subject:=09International Credit

While I am not 100% sure of what Greg means by international credit, both B=
ill and I have recognized that there is a facet of RAC/Credit function tha=
t we are not net long vis-a-vis the direction of the business, particularly=
the non-energy commodity businesses - steel, metals, paper - as well as th=
e coal business and the crude complex. What seems to be needed is some peo=
ple that have experience in structures (good and bad) that support the move=
ment of large packages of physical goods from the 3rd world to the first wo=
rld. Knowledge of the subleties of l/c language, insurance products, dog c=
ounterparties, typical scams, money launderers, lay ranges, demurrage....To=
that end, we both interviewed and subsequently hired John Collenette, head=
of credit for an international trading organization - Trafigura. John spe=
nt 10 years at Paribas and then the last 7 at Trafigura. He went through 3=
full rounds of interviews, primarily with the metals guys and incuding Mic=
hael Brown. My plan was to install him as the 'team lead' in metals allowi=
ng him to get 'enronized' with the idea that he would expand his role to in=
clude global products and EIM. I guess I will accelerate this process.
In addition, I have also hired a sr spec with metals experience from Koch. =
We have interviewed a few other prospects with transactional credit experi=
ence. We are planning to supplement some of this industry knowledge with T=
racy Ngo and a few strong managers with solid credit skills. The issues we=
have yet to begin getting traction are how to staff other offices - NY and=
Sydney principally. Here we are constrained by current budgets.

Also, I have worked with the operations staff to take away some of the oper=
ational credit issues like chasing down information, money laundering check=
s, calling for margin, and opening accounts so that we can hire credit pro=
fessionals to analyze credits and deals. =20

Finally, a critical piece of the puzzle is to also strengthen the people an=
d the processes around the logistics of credit - specifically, the logistic=
s function, treasury (l/c issuance/acceptance), and risk management. It is=
in the hand-offs of infomation where most of the risk lies, in my opinion.=

When you are here, we ought to make that a topic for discussion. Not to ov=
er-state the need, I think it will require somewhat of an on-going focused =
effort and coordination between offices and departments similar to the EES =
