Enron Mail

Subject:FW: Potential Sale of E&P Assets
Date:Mon, 5 Nov 2001 11:47:06 -0800 (PST)

I hadn't copied you on my email from this morning.

Will keep you posted

-----Original Message-----
From: Larson, Bradford
Sent: Monday, November 5, 2001 11:28 AM
To: Bushman, Teresa G.; Corbet, Nancy; Lowry, Donna
Cc: Fowler, Ellen; Gorte, David; Ledlow, James; Ibarra, Felipe
Subject: RE: Potential Sale of E&P Assets

At this time, I am NOT sharing the RAC updated valuation numbers with ECR (and have told Jesus that).
It would seem like ECR should no longer be privy to that type of ENE info.

Ellen - suggest you handle your valuation tables confidentially also.

Comments anyone ???

Jim/Felipe - please note

-----Original Message-----
From: Bushman, Teresa G.
Sent: Monday, November 5, 2001 11:21 AM
To: Corbet, Nancy; Larson, Bradford; Lowry, Donna
Cc: Fowler, Ellen
Subject: RE: Potential Sale of E&P Assets

Ellen and I just spoke and she is putting together some information regarding the range of values, size of the transaction, etc. that I would suggest we include with the memo seeking approval of the potential conflict of interest and describing the procedures being implemented to assure fairness in process and valuation. Does that sound like the plan? Suggestions?

-----Original Message-----
From: Corbet, Nancy
Sent: Monday, November 05, 2001 11:07 AM
To: Bushman, Teresa G.; Larson, Bradford; Lowry, Donna
Cc: Fowler, Ellen
Subject: Potential Sale of E&P Assets

Teresa and I spoke with Sharon Butcher today who recommended that the potential sale of E&P portfolio should be described and approved at this preliminary stage by Lavorato, Haedicke, Goerte, and Lay et al per policy regarding conflicts. A DASH would follow when the deal gets further along. The issue here is John Thompson and other employees potentially "negotiating a deal" which would include their getting equity in the company which purchases assets. Donna and I just spoke and our thoughts are that the deal description currently in draft form would be circulated with an approval cover sheet explaining the reason for the approval sought.

FYI - Teresa and I are meeting with the HR rep and the Enron employment attorney this aft and then all with John so that he understands what process should be followed re the employees - ie his communications with them and with potential purchasers. NAncy