Enron Mail

To:compliance.dl-rac@enron.com, credit.dl-rac@enron.com, mgmt.dl-rac@enron.com,underwriting.dl-rac@enron.com, l..carson@enron.com, bobbie.campbell@enron.com, lynn.bellinghausen@enron.com, don.rollins@enron.com, rick.bittner@enron.com, m..gasdia@enron.com
Subject:Flood Relief for RAC Employee
Date:Wed, 17 Oct 2001 16:08:41 -0700 (PDT)

As many of you remember, one of our RAC employees was flooded out of their house in June. This flood severely damaged their house and ruined virtually all of their belongings inside the house. Many of you generously donated cash, clothing, and toiletries which were immediately forwarded to the family. Your generosity and responsiveness in their time of need was greatly appreciated. They have been working hard to rebuild their house since June and are finally close to moving back home. We are seeking your help again in donating ANY home furnishings you can. Our goal is to collect as many items as we can. If this family cannot use an item, maybe one of their neighbors can. Here are some of the items we have collected so far:

washer & dryer Richard Lauer
breakfast room table & chairs Stephanie McGinnis
console TV Cassandra Alston
CD & tape player Adam Watts
couch & tv stand Rick Bittner
kitchen housewares galore! Karen Barbour
Nintendo 64 Christine and Stephanie Barbour (Karen's kids)
VCR, pictures for walls Stephanie McGinnis
boy's bicycle and rollerblades Lynn Bellinghausen

We will be renting a moving truck on Saturday, November 2nd to pick up donations and deliver them to this RAC family. If you can bring your donations to the office, please call me and I will hold in my garage until our November 2nd delivery date. If you would like for me to pick up your donations at your house, please let me know what your donation will be and your home address so I can map my route and give you an estimated pickup time.

Thank you kindness and I look forward to hearing from you.