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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-From: spe@spebroadcast.org X-To: Buy, Rick </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=RBUY< X-cc: X-bcc: X-Folder: \rbuy\Inbox X-Origin: BUY-R X-FileName: richard buy 1-30-02..pst <http://www.spe.org/spe/cda/views/events/eventMaster/0,1470,1648_2194_22043,00.html< <http://www.spe.org/< REGISTER NOW/REGISTRESE AHORA Don't miss your last chance to save U.S. $50 by registering today for the 2002 International Petroleum Conference and Exhibition in Mexico. This two-day event will draw thousands of E&P professionals from all over the world to Villahermosa, Mexico to network and share the latest technologies in the industry. Visit the IPCEM Web site <http://www.spe.org/spe/cda/views/events/eventMaster/0,1470,1648_2194_22043,00.html<today to find out more about this event and to sign up and save! No pierda esta oportunidad ?nica para ahorrar U.S. $50 al inscribirse hoy para el 2002 Congreso y Exhibici?n Internacional de Petr?leo en M?xico. Este evento de dos d?as traer? miles de profesionales de EyP de todas partes del mundo a Villahermosa, M?xico para interactuar y compartir las ultimas tecnolog?as de la industria. ?Visite y reg?strese en la Pagina Electr?nica de CEIPM <http://www.spe.org/spe/cda/views/events/eventMaster/0,1470,1648_2194_22043,00.html<hoy para ahorrar! SPONSORS/PATROCINADORES PEP <http://www.pemex.com/< Pemex Exploraci?n y Producci?n IMP <http://www.imp.mx/< Instituto Mexicano del Petr?leo CIPM Colegio de Ingenieros Petroleros de M?xico AIPM <http://www.aipmam.com.mx/< Asociaci?n de Ingenieros Petroleros de M?xico SPE <http://www.spe.org/< Mexico Section For more information visit www.SPE.org. <http://www.spe.org/cda/event_item/1,1093,422,00.html< Para obtener m?s informaci?n, visite www.SPE.org. <http://www.spe.org/cda/event_item/1,1093,422,00.html<